Love in Paradise ch.1

Sep 27, 2008 19:58

title: Love in Paradise
length: 1/3 [ficlet?]
rating: NC-17.
warning: smut. you've been warned.
pairing: Jaemin / OT5 [see a/n]
summary: Changmin (a workaholic who hates his job) meets Jaejoong (a stripper) and Junsu (a slut & a famous singer in Japan) at a gay strip club. They become friends and go to Hawaii for a vacation where they meet Yunho and Yoochun. Do they find "paradise"?
a/n: Other pairings include, Minsu, Hosu, YunChun (2U), YunChunSu. Hopefully this fills the request for kibummielove & veronicaleandra at the same time. ^_^

Changmin pounds his head on the café table a few times. Stupid, stupid. Do this, do that. I hate my job. He slams his head on the table one last time.

“You need a break,” Kibum comes up from behind him massaging his shoulders, “let’s get a drink.”
Changmin mumbles something incoherent into the table.
“Let’s get out of here.” Changmin grabs his jacket and heads on with Kibum.
“I know a good place to get your mind off of things.” Kibum drives off

Changmin and Kibum were long ago colleagues and not to mention, ex-lovers. Confiding in each other through their horrendous out-of-closet stages, they grew fond of each other. But as their relationship deepened, they both agreed they were more of best friends than lovers.

“KIBUM! WHAT THE HELL!” Changmin shouted as he opened his eyes, fixated on the club in front of him. “You bring me to a damn strip club after work!?”

“Um, yeah?” Kibum shrugged, “It always relieves my stress. Come on, let’s go in.”
“Nuh uh! NO WAY IN HELL AM I EVER GOING TO A STRIP CLUB.” He sat in the car, crossed armed.
“Yes you will.” Kibum opened Changmin’s door and dragged him out.

The heavy bass shook his body. An “entertainer” had obviously just finished his show, standing naked on the stage. He was tall and good looking. He gathered his clothes, the sprawled out dollars on the ground, and his newly found fuck mate. The next performer teasingly cat walked his way to the center.


“Another day, another good fucking.” Jaejoong smiled. He walked out onto the stage. He turned and twisted his body in ways it seemed almost impossible. He rolled his body against the cool pole, dancing around like a slut until someone in the audience caught his attention.

He flipped his hair, and tried to lure the young man in. Once their eyes met, Jaejoong motioned sexily for him to come on stage.

The other men oohh and awed at him, cheering him on. Jaejoong continued stripping when Changmin didn‘t budge, resulting in his half nakedness.

Fine, if he’s not here for a good fuck, then what’s he here for? Jaejoong questioned. Eventually giving up, he spotted his good friend already rubbing the front of his pants.

Jaejoong motioned him to come on stage, knowing he’d never refuse. Jaejoong smiled.

“Again?” Jaejoong whispered.
“Why not?” Junsu mumbled. They plunged into a deep open mouth kiss. Junsu knowing exactly how to do business with Jaejoong; together, they always put on a good show.

Junsu worked his way down, kissing every piercing on each ear, nipple, and eventually down to his stomach. Jaejoong’s eyes were still focused on the mysterious man in the audience while his best friend’s hands wandered his body.

“Mmm. Jae.” Junsu moaned, rolling his tongue all over Jae’s hardened length.


“Damn…” Changmin whispered, watching the two men lust for each other.
“That could’ve been you, asshole.” Kibum nudged Changmin on the shoulder.
“Shut up!” Changmin fixed his eyes on the boy devouring the most beautiful, well groomed piece of flesh he’s ever seen.

The older boy screamed in cute, lustful moans as he bucked his hips into his partner’s mouth. He felt his own cock twitch at the sights and sounds displayed before his own eyes. The performers eventually walked off stage.

“Thanks, Kibum.” Changmin replied sarcastically. He looked down at his tenting problem.

“Need help, sir?” the previous performer rubbed his back and gave Changmin a small peck on the cheek.
“And you are…” Changmin had to look twice. He looked a bit different with clothes on.
“Hot? Sexy?” Jaejoong lowered himself near Changmin’s crotch, eyes flickering with lust.
“Name?” Changmin said flatly.
“Kim Jaejoong.”

Changmin grabs both Jaejoong’s hands. “Jaejoong, how about we be friends first.” He smirked.
“Fine.” Jae said, “Anything for you.” he winked and attempted to get up.
“By the way, who’s your friend?” Changmin motioned at his partner.
“Junsu. I’ll introduce.” Jaejoong replied and walked away.

“Jun. Su.” Changmin whispered. He started laughing.
“What are you doing? I turn my back for one second and you got a man crawling to you.” Kibum comes back with a few drinks.
“Nothing.. His friend’s cute though.” Changmin observed the two talking.
“I agree. But that one’s better.” Kibum pointed to a very pretty boy sitting crossed legged across the room. “Here, catch a cab home.” Kibum handed Changmin some money, “Have fun.” Kibum waved and headed towards his new buddy.


“Dude, I think he likes you.” Jaejoong whispered into Junsu’s ear who was taking another shot.
“Bring him. Let’s go on a vacation. I need one.” Junsu replied.
“Where to?” Jaejoong questioned.
“Mmm…Hawaii.” Junsu slurred his words and downed another shot.

“Come with. He wants to meet you.” Jaejoong giggled.

“This is Junsu and this is…” Jaejoong attempted to introduce them to one another but failed to get his name.
“Changmin.” He stuck out his arm for a handshake, but instead got a shot of soju. “Err…thanks.”

“Let’s go to Hawaii. You’re invited.” Junsu whispered hotly into Changmin’s ear.
“What!? I have to work.” Changmin said.
“Me too. But I took off.” Junsu laughed.
“He’s a singer in Japan. He’s already on vacation.” Jaejoong cleared. Changmin mouthed an “Oh”.

“YAH YAH! JAE! Look at me!” Junsu yelled dancing on the bar table. Jaejoong turned around only to find Junsu dancing sexily on tables, knocking over cups left and right.
“Oh God, Su. Get your big fat ass down now!” Jaejoong screamed.

He accentuated his butt and shook it a bit before Jaejoong grabbed him. Junsu came tumbling down and landed on Changmin. Their lips met for the first time.

Jaejoong pulled Junsu off of Changmin in a flash.
“Back off,” Jaejoong whispered dangerously into Junsu’s ear.
“Mm. Good choice,” Junsu smiled before looking at his friend in complete lust. “Mm…”
“Junsu. No. Not--” And Junsu’s tongue barged through Jaejoong’s pink lips.

“SU! You’ve had too much for one night.” Jaejoong pulled back, resisting the urge to continue.
“Nuh uh!” Junsu took another swig of alcohol and stumbled away.

“Aish.” Jaejoong scratched the back of his head.
“I’ll come with you.” Changmin offered and flashed a gorgeous smile. He started walking behind Junsu until he noticed no one was behind him.

“Jae? You coming?” He asked. Snapping out of his trance, Jaejoong followed. All three stumbled into Junsu’s apartment and crashed for the night.


The next morning, they found themselves on an airplane to Hawaii.

“OH Gosh!” Changmin yelled earning him stares from all the passengers.
“What?” Jaejoong awoke. “Wow. Where. WHAT!? SU!!” Jaejoong called out.
“Mmm. Yes?” Junsu answered, apparently very calm.
“Where the hell are we?” Jaejoong lowered his voice.
“Airplane, to Hawaii.” Junsu smiled as he stretched as much as the first class seats allowed.
“But I have work! I didn’t call in! And my clothes!” Changmin panicked.
“Don’t worry. My manager, got everything.” Junsu assured.
“You know where I live!?” Changmin whispered.
“Don’t underestimate the power of technology.” Junsu smirked as he closed his eyes.

“Su. How’d you even remember? You were so wasted last night.” Jaejoong wondered.
“Anything with him.” Junsu whispered in Jaejoong’s ear.
“I told you to--”
“Can I offer you anything to drink?” The flight attendant broke their argument.

“Water.” they all said at the same time rubbing their tendons causing the girl to laugh. She nodded and handed them three waters.

“Aigoo.” Changmin sighed.


“Beach, anyone?” Junsu stretched once they all got off the plane. Jaejoong and Changmin looked at one another with “Oh no” expressions. All they wanted was a nice comfy bed but with Junsu in their trio, that was highly impossible.

“Junsu! I don’t have any clo--” Changmin was cut off with a wad of money fanned in front of me.
“Shopping?” Junsu flashed a smile.

They walked through town trying on all types of board shorts. Junsu’s two managers followed them around. They eventually got to the beach and found a nice place to lay their things down.

The three formed a large triangle playing volleyball.

“I got it! I got it!” Junsu ran backwards trying to hit the ball.
“Umph.” He tripped and landed on another body.

“Watch where er goin!” The other body yelled in broken English. Junsu got up, and apologized until he caught sight of what he bumped into.

With such a change in personality, he stood with a hand on his hip, “Hey. I’m Junsu. Want to play ball with us?” he said in Korean.
“Huh?” the other was caught off guard at the sudden change in language.
“Um. Sure. By the way, I’m Yunho. And this is Yoochun.” He motioned to his friend but Junsu never took his eyes off of Yunho.

“Hey! Guys! I brought more players!” He jogged waving his arms at the other two. They met and did cliché introductions. They all shook hands and formed a circle.

After volleyball got boring, they played in the water for the remaining of the day.


“Yah. You guys want to come over tonight? Have a few drinks?” Yunho announced as they headed back towards the shore.

Before anyone could open their mouth Junsu spoke for all of them, “SURE!”

They exchanged numbers and addresses. They all showered and got ready for the invite.

“Open up!” Junsu knocked eagerly. The three spilled themselves into the cozy apartment Yoochun and Yunho obviously shared.

“Let’s play a game I learned in Japan!” Junsu shouted excitedly. Junsu placed a shot of vodka in the center and surrounded it with a bunch of playing cards.

“Whoever picks a Jack, Queen, or King has to take the shot in the middle. Whoever gets the Ace, has to take two.” Junsu smiled.
“What about the rest?” Changmin wondered.
“Um. If you pick a red card, you have kiss the person on your left. If you pick a black, kiss the person on your right. And you need to take a drink of your individual beers.” Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

Everyone was good looking, so it didn’t really matter. They all situated themselves so they could be by the person they liked.

Yunho sat next to Junsu, who sat next to Changmin, who sat next to Jaejoong, who sat next to Yoochun, making it a complete circle around the drink and cards.

After a few rounds, everyone was pleasantly buzzed. The game started to get hot once Junsu was set on kissing Yunho. But involved tongue and lasted for a full two minutes. Everyone’s eyes was set on the two obviously very into each other.

“Okay next!” Yoochun shouted breaking them up. Yoochun picked a card and placed a heavy kiss on Jaejoong, attempting to make Yunho jealous.

The game played on and on until all the cards were taken away and about 20 bottles were disregarded at the corner of the room.

Sexual tension was high. Yoochun crawled over into Yunho’s lap and kissed him. They eagerly ate out of each other’s mouths and their hands wandered through their hair and over their bodies. Changmin stared at the two and found his pants growing tighter by the second.

He looked left and caught the sight of Jaejoong and Junsu putting on another show. Tongues flew between mouths and constant pecking sounds came from both parties. Changmin excused himself unnoticed and stumbled to the bathroom. He did his business but left his aching cock out.

He traveled back to the entrance of the living room and watched the two parties kiss and grope each other as he stroked himself to full length.

Small mewls escaped his mouth and leaned against the wall for support.

Junsu removed himself from Jaejoong’s lips and traveled to Yunho, making it a three way kiss with tongue and shared saliva.

“Hey babe.” Jaejoong slurred, crawling to Changmin as his mouth replaced Changmin’s hands.

Changmin was too drunk to care anymore. He pulled Jaejoong back on his feet.

“Wanna fuck?” He whispered as their lips locked. They groped each other every where possible and stumbled onto a bed.

fic edited on: Dec.22,2008.

pair: !ot5, pair: changmin/jaejoong, chapt: love in paradise (c)

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