1. Name: Alaina
2. Age: 17
3. Gender: F
4. Do you care if you're stamped as a guy or a girl? What ever is the most accurate please. :)
5. Three Words to Describe You: Good natured, Good humored, Quiet
6. Strengths: I think I'm fairly strong emotionally and I like helping people out. I'm smart and good with kids, too. Supposedly I'm also nice, occasionally funny, quiet, and smart. (It's yet to be proven. ;D)
7. Weaknesses: I'm generally a very quiet person, so sometimes I don't say the things I should/want to say. I'm also a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to fret over personal decisions, even after they're made. I tend to lack motivation and can be pretty wishy washy. I can also be unsure of myself, even when I'm right.
8. Dreams: To be happy, healthy, and to live in a renovated lighthouse.
9. Fears: Probably that everything won't turn out alright or that somebody I love will get hurt? Also, I'm not afraid of bugs, but I have a very, very intense dislike of them. Especially ants. :)
10. Talents: I'm pretty good at creative things: drawing, building stuff, writing, etc. I'm also pretty smart and I like learning, so school is alright. Plus, since I'm quiet, I tend to listen well.
11. Hobbies: Mainly I like reading, playing on the computer, swimming, and being creative: writing, acting, drawing, etc.
12. Likes: Reading, Relaxing, Swimming, Laughing, Southern Rock, Animals, Drawing, Building/Creating Things, Writing
13. Dislikes: Incessant Noise, Insensitivity, Pigheadedness, Cruelty
14. Color? Why?: I love red colour schemes because they're bright and warm. I also really like brown, too. It's rich and warm.
15. Animal? Why?: Domestically, I love dogs. They're loyal and fun to play with. Plus, they're so cute. In the wild though, otters are my favorite. They're playful, cute, and they seem to be a happy animal. Plus, they can live in water or on land and they stay in family holts. :)
16. Quote? Why?: I'm not sure. I love Oscar Wilde, Winston Churchill, and Robert Frost quotes because they're usually insightful, funny, or beautiful.
17. Music? Why?: Right now I'm really into Southern Rock, mainly because it sounds so awesome. (^.^ Lynyrd Skynyrd.)I also listen to classic rock, alternative, and popish stuff, depending on my mood.
18. Season (Fall, Spring, Winter, Summer)? Why?: Spring! Winter is so bare, then Spring comes around and it's like POOF! Viola greenery!
19. Criminal Minds character? Why?: Toughie. I think Gideon is really awesome, because he's so.. I can't even explain it. Reid is also a favorite, because he's so sweet and insecure.
20. Least favorite Criminal Minds character? Why?: I'm not sure I have one. Garcia can be a bit creepy, but I don't dislike her. Elle was alright, but she could sometimes be a little to feminist. That being said, I still kind of miss her. (Though Prentiss is awesome. :D)
Which one? Explain each choice.
21. Mature or Immature: I'm can be fairly mature. I know what the world can be like. Despite that, I like to be immature when I'm by myself. It's more fun and relaxing.
22. Leader or Follower: I'm a mixture of both. I could be a leader, I think, but I'd prefer not to be. I'm somewhat insecure so I don't like being above other people. To me it's better to have friends than subordinates. I could be a follower, but only if the person I was following was someone I believed in and loved. Otherwise, I might strike out on my own.
23. Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. I usually have some idea about how things could go wrong, but I try to stay possitive and upbeat.
24. Outgoing or Shy: Shy. I can be painfully shy in social situations.
25. Freewill or Fate: Freewill, I think. I tend to have a very "Que sera, sera," (What happens, happens,) like attitude, but I do believe that if you try hard enough, you can change anything.
26. Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. I tend to think things through, even if knowing the consequences doesn't change my initial desicion. (Even when it should.)
27. Social or Anti-Social: Probably a mixture of both. I love hanging out with other people, but only if it's a small group. Otherwise, I prefer to hangout be myself.
28. Calm or Hyper: Usually I'm pretty calm, but I can have random bursts of hyperness every now and then.
29. Family or Friends: Family.
30. Activity or Quiet: I depends on the situation. If it's productive activity (like building something or hosting a party) I usually like it, but other than that, I prefer quiet.
31. Justice or Compassion: Compassion. There's no way I could know enough about a person to judge them fairly. They may have had something happen to them that I don't know about.
32. Would you want to be in the BAU in RL? Probably not. I don't think I'd want to know just how dark humanity can be.
33. Description or Picture: No pictures, sorry. I'm 5'6" and slimish. I've got super, super short brown hair and purple glasses. My eyes are brown, I've got freckles, and I have super pale skin. Usually I'm dressed pretty casually (jeans, t-shirts, etc.) but I love high fashion stuff. (Military jackets, victorian clothing, etc.)
34. Anything else: Nope, I'm good.