Title: Last and Alone - Secret
Rating: K+
Characters: Perceptor, Jazz
Warnings: None
Universe: G1-ish/Last and Alone/Monolith
Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape, or form, own the Transformers© franchise or the characters it contains. They belong to Has/Tak, No infringement intended. Any OC’s are to my knowledge are solely mine.
Summary: Perceptor
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Comments 11
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Very impressive writing, attention to detail, subtlety, especially where Jazz found the horror on Perceptor's face to be the telling point.
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As I have said, I got these great character names for this series. I even have there skills laid out to an extent. Now I need to use them somehow. So far these mechs belong to Perceptor, and he's not sharing.
I hope it continues to be interesting.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
It's all so fantastic I'm gonna go read it again. And then I'm putting it on my e-reader so I can read it more. yesh, that's what I'm gonna do.
Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. More, plz?
Each new part is a surprise. Part 3 did not go where I thought it was going to. Another charcter butted. Now I have to deal with that.
Again, thrilled you enjoyed. Thank you for reading and commenting.
Go Ratchet! Heee!
That Jazz. <3
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