2011 | Rules, F.A.Q, & Schedule

Jan 09, 2011 21:49

Welcome to cm_bigbang , the Criminal Minds big bang challenge!

Membership to the comm is limited to actual participants of the challenge (writers, artists, and betas), but watching the comm is open and encouraged for everyone. When you sign up, you will need to request membership in order to see members-only posts, which you will need. Membership will be granted in February.

Sign ups open on February 1st but the rules and FAQ can be found below:


01. What is a big bang?

A big bang is a fic-art collaboration challenge. It encouranges artists to write long stories within a certain timeframe and artists to create pieces to go with the stories.

02. Is this big bang limited to a specific pairing/genre/theme?

No. Any pairing or no pairing and all genres or themes are acceptable. Alternate Universe, crossovers, fusions, and stories of any rating are welcome, as long as the main focus of the story is the characters of Criminal Minds.

03. What is the minimum word count?

15,000 words

04. Is there a maximum word count?

No. Stories can be as long as you want them to be, as long as they're at least 15,000 words.

05. Can I write more than one story?

Yes, but keep in mind that the deadlines and word counts apply for every story you write.

06. I've already started a story that I'd like to submit for this challenge. Is that acceptable?

Yes, but the stories submitted for this challenge must be created for this challenge, and old works cannot be used again. To submit something you're working on currently, the word count for the story cannot exceed 2,000 words when the challenge begins. This being said, any of the work cannot be posted anywhere previous to the posting date for the challenge.

All submissions must stand alone for this challenge. They cannot end in To Be Continued... or the equivalent. Sequels to previous works are acceptable provided they also stand alone.

07. Does my fic have to be beta read?


08. I don't have a beta. Can you help?

Yes! There will be a beta sign up post and a request post. Alternatively, you are also welcome to find your own beta. Please see the scheduling information below.

09. I want to participate, and I'm an artist. How do I do that?

Welcome! We're so glad you want to be here! A lot of different types of art are accepted for this challenge. Assignments will be given approximately a quarter of the way through the challenge. Anonymous summaries of the stories will be given and (after a consideration period) on a first-come, first-serve basis, artists will choose the story they're most interested in. Artists and writers will then collaborate to create a finished product that you both love.

10. I'm not a writer or an artist - how do I participate?

If you want to participate without writing or creating art, you should consider signing up as a beta! It's a long process and writers and artists need as much support as they can get! :)

11. Does it matter where I host my story/art?

No. Stories and art can be hosted wherever you like best. Feel free to host on livejournal/fanfiction.net/dreamwidth/deviantart/ or an external website. There will be a masterpost of all the fic and art that was posted at the end of everything. You will retain all access and rights to your work.


February 1st - Writer Sign-Ups Open
February 1st - Artist Sign-Ups Open
February 1st - Beta Sign-Ups Open
March 1st - Writer Sign-Ups Close
March 21st - Mandatory Writer Check-In [1]
April 25th - Artist Sign-Ups Close
April 26th - Anonymous summaries are posted for artists to consider
April 29th- May 1st - Writer-Artist Matching
May 1st - Beta Sign-Ups Close
May 16th - Mandatory Writer Check-In [2]
June 17th - Beta Request Post Opens
June 20th - Mandatory Artist-Writer Check In [3]
July 1st - Rough Drafts are Due
July 20th - July 25th - Mandatory Writer-Artist Check-In [4] (To confirm final participation)
August 1st - Posting begins

Feel free to advertise! :)

We hope that you'll help make this big bang successful, and have lot of fun doing it! :D

!scheduling, !rules & faq, !mod post

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