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Morgan/Reid, masturbation (or more), sextoys, AU anonymous October 30 2011, 22:14:39 UTC
Morgan/Reid, AU.

Reid tests new products for a sex toy company. Morgan is the head designer. It is his job to observe these tests, ask questions and take notes. It's all very professional and clinical, until Morgan gets hard during a session.

I admit I shamelessly stole this prompt from the


Replacement [1/3] anonymous October 31 2011, 20:41:29 UTC
It was an interesting job, he couldn't deny it. At first, he thought it was the dream job: getting to create sex toys. He designed them for men and women, and was usually present while they were being tested. So far, he's always been very professional about it. Sure, he wasn't really attracted to the guys, he thought he might be bi at some point of his life but so far only a few guys have turned him on, but nothing similar to that has happened while being at his job. And the women, well they were hot, but he loved his job too much to break the rules for any of them. Besides, he could always get their numbers after everything was over ( ... )


Re: Replacement [2/3] anonymous October 31 2011, 20:42:51 UTC
"So, are you ready kid ( ... )


Re: Replacement [3/3] anonymous October 31 2011, 20:43:48 UTC
"Ahhh… so big…" he said as be moved in and out, a little farther overtime, till the plastic balls where just outside his ass, touching his balls just sightly. And just then he turned it on ( ... )


Re: Replacement [3/3] MorganReid Toy testing AU anonymous November 4 2011, 05:01:03 UTC
/It didn't take long before his body was trembling and he found it harder to move the toy because of how tight his ass got./

GUH111111111 Spencer you devious slut, you planned this! Time to test the paddles!


Re: Replacement [3/3] anonymous November 10 2011, 10:43:06 UTC
You wrote it! Thanks! *is excited*

It's great. And these two are so hot together:D


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