Questions and Discussion Post for the Criminal Minds Kink Meme

Oct 26, 2011 00:01

What it said, questions? Anything on kinks you just want to throw out here? lol?

...and finally, following ansera's fine tradition, here's a brief PublicServiceAnnoucement:
InRealLife: Please remember to practice Safe Sane Consensual: Whenever you do someone, you must confirm the presence of affirmative consent, if it's anything less then an explicit verbal yes, please please please make sure that the moaning is in pleasure, etc etc. It's not going to kill the mood if you affirm consent by huskily asking your partner "What would you like me to do to you now?" Additionally, don't spring forced play on someone without talking about it first, remember, a mood ruined by talking about it NOW can be more easily repaired than Accidental Assault! Safewords don't work when someone is gagged, etc etc

...and if you missed Sexual Health or need more brush up, Go Ask Alice


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