Day of the Doctor

Nov 23, 2013 21:55

I admit, I wasn't that keen on Matt Smith, but in a moment of weakness I bought ALL his Doctor Who Episodes on DVD this week, I watched them all ready to watch "Day of the Doctor" tonight. And phew! I need a cigarette now. It was AWESOME!

fandom: doctor who

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Comments 3

toomuchfandom November 23 2013, 23:11:43 UTC
I was watching with my brothers.

I need a dark room and digest it all. Wow, it was an awesome and great tribute! And so so so so so clever!

Just saw the Five(-ish) Doctor Reboot on the BBC Doctor Who website as well (was under the red button in the UK, I believe) and that was... weird and hilarious.


byrons_brain November 24 2013, 10:24:04 UTC
I have a huge soft spot for Matt Smith, and absolutely adored the 50th. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it too, that must have been quite a risk....


fififolle November 24 2013, 16:44:13 UTC
So that's what you've been up to! *g* Fantastic.
I really enjoyed it last night, I must say. Especially Billie, oddly *bg*


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