[Unentitled] 5075.

Sep 04, 2010 13:54

PROMPT: So Dean has a bad leg, can't walk on it without pretty severe pain and so he usually takes a lot of painkillers. He somehow whacks his head while far from Sam and wakes up with no recollection of who he is. He's found, maybe in an orchard, by a friendly farmer who tries to figure out what's wrong with this strange young man, why he can't ( Read more... )

kalliel, amnesia oh noes, wtf is this shit, spn!fic, unentitled, macadamia nuts are the shit

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Comments 4

roque_clasique September 21 2010, 19:06:52 UTC
OMG (is this fic a secret? am i not supposed to know about this? because i love it and why would you hide it from me? why why why?) THIS IS AMAZING. I adore Satch and the timeline is so intriguing and heartbreaking.

I'm really sorry if I'm not allowed to be here! 'Cause you never posted it to the meme! and never even told me about it!


kalliel September 21 2010, 22:47:36 UTC
XDD It is kind of a secret, yes; but in an I-don't-expect-people-to-come-to-this-comm way, not an and-now-you-go-into-witness-protection kind of way. Because I was like, la la la I don't know what to doooooooo and just started writing something randomly. But I got to the end and thought, wow wtf??? Then I decided I didn't like it particularly. So I started over with an approach I'm hoping will end better for me.

But then I got busy moving et al, so it is as yet unfinished. Despite the fact that the meme was essentially 'over' quite some time ago. It's sitting pretty on my desktop, I swear! XP

I'm glad you enjoyed this version, though~ :) AS SURPRISED AS I AM THAT YOU FOUND IT FLOATING AROUND. XP


roque_clasique September 21 2010, 23:01:54 UTC
Eeek, I love this one muchly but am pretttttty durn excited there's going to be another one, too!

I can't remember how I found it -- I mean, I knew about the existence of this comm (though i don't understand it, LOL), so I was probably just snooping. SORRY!

I was really psyched when I found it though -- gave a very unladylike squeak.


kalliel September 21 2010, 23:08:48 UTC
This comm used to make more sense earlier this year, because I had a writing partner and daily, we'd write each other 584 words of anything. But she kind of disappeared a bit, so now it's just me. So now it's just a comm where I post anything I write, because I figure I spam my flist enough as it is. And I'm often too lazy to crosspost/write up proper headers/what-have-you, uh. XDDD

And ahaha I snoop A LOT so you totally don't need to apologize. I just figure that this comm isn't particularly interesting to people who aren't me!


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