
Jan 20, 2007 23:02

"Christ on a sodding bike, Bernard, slow down!"

Nymphadora braces one hand on the dashboard and the other on her husband's arm, her stricken eyes wide and fixedly staring out at the road.

"Knew we should've taken the train. 'It'll be fine, 'Dora, driving's just like falling off a log! You never forget how! It's no big deal!'"

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the_woodpecker January 24 2007, 02:07:38 UTC
"...Yeah, but, baby," Bernard protests, holding the door of the Eagle and Child open for 'Dora and stepping out behind her, "I think it's fair for me to say that my mushy peas are better even though C. S. Lewis sat around and wrote about talking lions here. It's not like he ate these mushy peas."

He pauses, thinking. "Although..."


the_woodpecker January 24 2007, 03:42:08 UTC
"Definitely how it feels," he replies, peering into half-lit shopfronts filled with oddly-shaped wares. "First instinct is to turn around and hit the pub again."


clumsy_auror January 24 2007, 03:51:57 UTC
A laugh. "Yeah, that's what they're going for. A sudden desire to remember that you're supposed to be anywhere but here."

A tiny scops owl flutters down from a nearby eave, hooting cheerfully.


the_woodpecker January 26 2007, 01:27:18 UTC
He shoots her a sly glance. "That's just fishing for a sappy response."


clumsy_auror January 26 2007, 01:32:53 UTC
She shoots him a sardonic look. "Honestly, it isn't! Just the way the spell works, is all."


the_woodpecker January 26 2007, 01:44:00 UTC
"Uh-huh." He fiddles with her fingers, laced with his, his boots scuffing on the cobblestones. "I've been meaning to ask you. Did you ever put Anthony's name down for primary schools in London?"


clumsy_auror January 26 2007, 01:46:40 UTC
"Not yet -- I did pick up some brochures, though. Kind of depends on location and availability." A pause. "Also the quality of education. Of course."


the_woodpecker January 26 2007, 01:50:23 UTC
Leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek, "Of course. But we should probably pay a little more attention to all that. I know he's gotta get his name in early like you said."


clumsy_auror January 26 2007, 01:54:43 UTC
'Dora nods, squeezing his hand at her shoulder. "Let's do it on Monday when we get back to London. Thanks for the reminder, love."


the_woodpecker January 26 2007, 02:06:59 UTC
"Anytime," he replies, pulling her closer to a nearby shopfront to peer in at the dusty books in the window. "...Do they have some kind of charm on the glass to keep the sun from damaging them?"


clumsy_auror January 26 2007, 02:13:06 UTC
She grins over at him. "Sure. Sunblocking Charm, just like I use on you."


the_woodpecker January 26 2007, 02:21:13 UTC
"No shit." His fingernail taps against the glass. "Guess it helps especially if the books are evil and bound in human skin."


clumsy_auror January 26 2007, 02:22:49 UTC
"Indeed. You should see Madam Pince go to town on the Restricted Section."


the_woodpecker January 26 2007, 02:25:46 UTC
"I should go see the castle that tried to kill me now that it's all put back together again."


clumsy_auror January 26 2007, 02:29:49 UTC
"...You should. It's beautiful. You'd like it, I think; most especially you'd like Peeves."


the_woodpecker January 26 2007, 02:31:24 UTC
"I think Sunny'd like Peeves even more than I would," he laughs, dropping her hand to sling his arm around her shoulders.


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