I guess it would be ironic, given the nature of his "crusade", to say that Jack Thompson deserves to be shot in the face. But really, the man is a menace to liberty
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Heh, are you referring to "shyster"? You haven't heard that before? Although I admit it's not common in contemporary usage. The Wiktionary says it has Yiddish roots.
Reason has come up with some pretty convincing evidence lately that playing violent video games may actually reduce the likelyhood of violence in real life. I don't have the links right now but they mention findings periodically on their blog.
Jack Thompson is right below Jack Chick on my list of worst "Jack-asses". My only hope is that Thompson's craziness makes the anti-video game movement seem less legitimate to people.
Thompson isn't the only idiot to be a shyster. There's a whole bunch of legal associations that are just whacko. But this guy really is stupid. Grade A hack. And if you think about it, people should play more video games so they can learn how to defend themselves from crazy people like Cho. In your face, Thompson.
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