Application: Yosuke Hanamura (Route 29)

Mar 25, 2011 20:53

Name: Aly
Livejournal Username: samekh
E-mail: ohfourplan [at] gmail [dot] com
AIM/MSN: phantasm brigade (AIM)
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: NONE WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED.

Name: Yosuke Hanamura
Series: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Timeline: Post True Ending.
Canon Resource Links: Persona 4 | Yosuke

Personality: On the surface, there are a few things you’d probably note about Yosuke right away if you didn’t know him. He comes off as being a pretty nice guy, albeit a bit misguided when it comes to dealing with girls. He’s a bit clumsy (crashing into poles, rolling around in garbage pails, breaking DVDs) a bit dopey, and probably to start, a bit detached from people.

But when you delve beneath the surface of Yosuke, what you see is not necessarily what you get, at least not to a certain degree. Every aspect has something lying beneath it that shapes not only those few aspects, but many other things that also help shape the entirety of who Yosuke truly is.

Once you get past that first side of Yosuke, you’re inclined to think he’s a pretty nice guy. Outwardly, he’s friendly enough, knowing that it’s in the best interest of himself and his family to be - even when there are definitely people he’d rather tell off. He’ll introduce himself, offer his greetings and likely maintain something of a shallow friendship - still keeping people at arms length. Yosuke’s something of a flirt as well; an unsuccessful flirt, and very easily shot down, but he tries nonetheless.

Beyond that is where things begin to get murky. At the start of canon, his reasons for distancing people was clear - he wasn’t happy with moving to a small, boring town like Inaba, where he was constantly being judged and picked apart by the locals simply for being the son of a Junes manager. Time passes and after the events of canon, he manages to distance himself from that aspect a bit, but other things still remain.

Yosuke, while he may act like it, is not as much of an idiot as he lets on. He’s very perceptive to things around him, such as how quickly he picked up on things throughout the course of the investigation, and even the underlying knowledge that Saki Konishi didn’t really like him much. He’s definitely got a streak of selfishness and brattiness and he’s also got quite an inferiority complex at times (shown in his Social Link events with Souji, specifically), as well as a guilt complex. Yosuke’s got a streak of mischief in him as well (such as signing the girls up for the pageant during the Culture Festival).

Rounding out some of his less than desirable traits is the fact that Yosuke’s got something of a short temper. He tends to fly off the handle at Chie and Teddie quite a bit, and furthering that, he’s got a taste for revenge - though it takes extreme cases to bring that out in him, such as the events on December 3rd that lead to the ending paths of the game. Yosuke can also be a bit ignorant at times when it comes to things he just doesn’t understand, such as the entirety of Kanji’s dungeon and some of the events with Kanji that followed.

To balance that, however, Yosuke does have a pile of great traits. He’s fairly responsible, especially when it comes to his duties at his job and with the Investigation Team. He’s fiercely loyal to his friends, so much so that he would take a mortal blow to save them. It may take a lot for him to get close to people, but once he does, they’re an important crutch to him - even Teddie, who grates on his nerves often, is someone very important to Yosuke, evidenced by the events on December 3rd and the days that follow. He has an extremely strong (though sometimes misguided) sense of justice and duty, especially when it comes to the case at hand and finding out who was behind Saki’s murder and the kidnapping of his schoolmates and friends. He is a strong proponent of seeking truth okok.

In a general sense, these are the traits that make up Yosuke - overall, he’s a pretty normal teenager with pretty normal problems and reactions to the things around him. You know, aside from the jumping into other dimensions to fight monsters and solve mysterious murder mysteries.

Amongst Yosuke’s strong points are his outgoing nature, his abilities in battle (he’s pretty damn good with his kunai and is a decent physical fighter in that regard - not to mention his abilities with Jiraiya/Susano-o, a Garu/Wind based Persona that also has other good buffs/debuffs), his perceptiveness and his loyalty.

Yosuke’s weaknesses include Saki (and talking about her negatively. She is not a bitch or a whore, okay?), getting kicked in the nuts by Chie, Zio (should his resistance be weakened), having a big mouth and selfish streak. Also, being kind of dumb academically, having an inferiority complex, Chie spending all of his money on steak and clothes for Teddie, and being overly pessimistic at times.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Scyther
Password: Seasalt Icecream

First Person Sample:
-ind of dream is this anyway? Pokémon, seriousl-- oh. I guess that light means it’s on, heheh.

Alright, so would somebody in this dream mind telling me just what the hell is going on? I don’t exactly go to bed expecting to have dreams about becoming a Pokémon Master or whatever. I mean, come on! It’s not like I’m a little kid or something. Ugh...

Probably kind of a dumb question, but, guys? Anyone I know around? I mean, that’s gotta be more likely than random strangers. Or… more random strangers. Guess I’ll just wait around ‘til I hear from someone. Or until I wake up. Hopefully that will happen first…

Third Person Sample:
Yosuke’s eyes opened blearily, the sound of a woman’s voice jolting him from his sleep. It wasn’t normal - his mom never called for him like that, and hell, it didn’t sound like her at all. That was enough in itself to be considered strange, so when he opened his eyes fully and realized the room surrounding him was completely unfamiliar, he rolled and completely fell out of the bed, landing on the floor with a booming THUD.

“Wh-what the hell?!” The words escaped his lips in complete exasperation, panic beginning to set in. Had he been kidnapped? He sure as hell couldn’t remember even going to his door, let alone anything else that could’ve possible landed him in the other world. Nothing was familiar… and it didn’t even feel like it could be the TV World. But if it wasn’t that, how the hell else could this be possible?

Yosuke closed his eyes, pulling himself from the floor and focusing for a second. “Persona!”

He called it out as he normally would; if this was the TV World, then he’d have no problem summoning Susano-o, right? But nothing. Just a strange room, with posters about Pokémon lining the walls. He quirked a brow when he realized this before closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. “Dammit.”

Something was wrong. Really wrong, and Yosuke couldn’t even begin to comprehend the whys and hows of what was going on. There was only one thing he could do, and that was try to figure it out. He folded his arms, intent on not leaving the room to start. If it wasn’t the TV World, then it had to be a dream, right? That was it. That was what it had to be. It was the only thing that could even possibly explain what was going on right now.

“Oh well…” He trailed off as he thought aloud. “Guess I’m just gonna have to go along with it until I wake up.”

!route_29, *application

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