FSL Exchange Fic for: dizzydame

Dec 25, 2011 14:34

Title: Christmas Story
Rating: PG
Written For: dizzydame
Written by: jacquelee

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fsl christmas exchange 2011

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Comments 3

dizzydame December 26 2011, 15:59:09 UTC
Love love LOVE this... seriously, this made me all warm and fuzzy feeling and happy just like Christmas fluff should. I love the depictions of D - I can just imagine him wearing that coat to bed and running around all proud because he's just like his parents. I adore it so much.


vinegar_dog January 2 2012, 09:02:20 UTC
This was really Xmassy, Jac, I really enjoyed reading it! I love the Mr Module and the Mrs Prowler bit (he he he) and you have no idea how cute in my mind D looks in that mini leather coat! :D


virkatjol January 8 2012, 15:42:55 UTC
THIS IS ADORABLE!!!! OMG!!! I love everything about it! Aeryn and John's interactions were perfection. The picture of Mr Module and Mrs Prowler is CUTE BEYOND MEASURE!!!! Wonderful job!!


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