FSL Exchange Fic for: vinegar_dog

Dec 25, 2011 13:57

Title: A Few of Chiana's Favorite Things
Rating: PG-13
Written For: vinegar_dog
Written by: dizzydame
Notes: John takes Chiana shopping.

Click here to open your gift! )

fsl christmas exchange 2011

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Comments 4

vinegar_dog December 25 2011, 21:55:30 UTC
That was lovely - thank you for my lovely Christmas present!

I love Chiana's impish enthusiasm and I love her friendly teasing relationship with John!

"There skirts, mini skirts, slit skirts, layered skirts, and even a pair of leather booty shorts that John would give a non-vital organ to see Aeryn in, but nothing really right for her."

I laughed at that, I totally bet he would! :DDD ...and what about the dildos...he only thought he knew what they looked like! :O ROTFLOL!

...and I want one of those pets/Gizmos NOW!

Again thank you for the lovely present...it was fun and light and just perfect for the holidays! :)


vinegar_dog January 2 2012, 08:57:17 UTC
Thank you Mandy - I had no idea it was you! I tried to guess (and I thought I had) but I was totally wrong!

Thanks again for this lovely story - I love the John-Chiana interaction and the insight into Aeryn's tastes!

Again a big hug and a happy New Year to you! :)


virkatjol January 8 2012, 16:15:11 UTC
i love them shopping for Aeryn and all the wrong things that they found before finding the perfect one!! <33333 I want a follow up with Aeryn's reaction to her party!! hahah


nebari_rebel January 11 2012, 12:20:19 UTC
Wonderful little story! I had a smile on my face the whole time =D


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