FSL Exchange Fic for: damnedscientist

Dec 25, 2011 13:30

Title: Ruse
Rating: PG 13 - mainly for things being hinted at
Written For: damnedscientist
Written by: vinegar_dog
Notes: I have chosen to go with prompt number 3 (which was actually the easy way out) as requested by damnedscientist. I hope it gives you at least one smile…I kept it light because that’s what I like the most and because it’s Xmas ( Read more... )

fsl christmas exchange 2011

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Comments 4

damnedscientist December 26 2011, 10:47:10 UTC
Thank you, Santa, for my wonderful present. Light is good and fun, especially at Christmas.

There are so many funny and smile-worthy lines to choose from, but I especially liked this:

He never even heard the question, his mind, like Elvis, had left the building.

And I wouldnt worry about it being number 3 on my list. I cant recall what numbers 1 and 2 were anyway, and besides, this is just perfect.

Thanks once again, and a Merry Christmas to you!



vinegar_dog January 2 2012, 07:20:47 UTC
Happy you liked it, ADS, it was actually really fun writing it! :)


damnedscientist January 2 2012, 08:17:51 UTC
Hiya L

I had fun trying to guess who'd written it, too, but I just couldnt decide!

So anyway, please accept my more personal thanks now I know it was you.

Happy New Year!



vinegar_dog January 2 2012, 08:53:13 UTC
:D Happy New Year to you too, Richard!

I thought the "jiggling loomas" may give me away since I think we had them on the Beach Bash Serial Fiction on TF but I am glad they didn't ;)


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