Help spread the word?

Oct 12, 2011 14:32

Hey! We could use some help getting the word out about the fic and graphics exchanges, so I made these - feel free to post them, and please link people to us! Sign-ups are open through Oct 22, but if we don't get enough we'll probably extend it a few days.

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Comments 2

vinegar_dog October 12 2011, 21:09:20 UTC
Hi Dizzy, there is a fic holiday exchange going on on TF as well run by Kazbaby - do you know her? Would it be worth our while contacting her to see whether she wants to join up with this one as well? Just wondering...


dizzydame October 12 2011, 21:13:47 UTC
I actually sent Crash a message on TF last week about it and I never got a response. :( I don't really know Kazbaby that well, but if you want to mention it to her or point her in my direction that'd be fine!

I also posted that we were doing one in the initial post they made on TF about a fix exchange but I think you were the only person that replied to me there.


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