Title: Killing an Immortal
soghunxUniverse: Gunslinger Liaison
Characters: Jun, Sun Tzi
After thinking about "Goodbye to Everything You Hold Dear," I felt the inspiration to draw a huge spoiler scene for the near-ending of Gunslinger Liaison. As you can see, I totally gave up once I got to the background. The original size of this piece was... 1600 by... something. It was huge.
Jun finds Sun Tzi in a cathedral. The actual death scene is different from how I portrayed it, but she basically finds him impaled by the same sword in front of a statue of some deity. I'm not sure what statues of saints they would have in cathedrals (the only setback of not being religious), so I was unsure of what to draw. Even if I knew, I'm pretty sure I would have been less motivated once I got to the background. And well, Jun's not happy. Her face is sad/blank, but she's rather angry...
Then again, I suppose anyone would be downright pissed if his or her idol/tutor/lover was found dead. DSF = Demon Subjugation Force. AKA, the government's own branch of mutants.
Jun is not amused.