
May 23, 2010 19:30

I start radiation tomorrow.  Six and a half weeks, Mondays through Fridays, thirty-three sessions.  This evidently is standard.  I have been assured that I will not glow in the dark,  I will not be radioactive and I find this terribly disappointing.  At the very least I was hoping to freak-out the cats by being able to pop corn on my chest.  Tomorrow's appointment is 2:30 in the afternoon but I am really, really hoping that the remaining thirty-two can be scheduled for early morning.  I want to be able to zip in get zapped and zip right back home before the dew is off the grass. The procedure itself takes less than fifteen minutes but round trip driving time is approximately two and a half hours, longer if I'm forced to stay within the speed limits.  The radiologist did say that I could miss a few appointments and they'd just double up on them later but I think he meant catch up on them later because he just stared at me as if he doubted my sanity when I asked if on each Monday I could be zapped with a week's worth of radiation.

I'm not as excited by my hair growth as I was when I first noticed it.  It's probably about a 16th of an inch long now but it looks more like caterpillar fuzz than dandelion fluff.  I'm told I just need a little patience.  I just need to let nature run its course.  Not a winning argument as far as I can see.  Letting nature take its course meant pumping chemicals into my system for five months, chemicals which might still be there in some form even though I was told to drink (and I did) plenty of water to 'wash all the poison' out of my body.  No matter how long I live in the country I don't think I'll ever get used to having ticks on my body or snakes in my house but I have been curious enough to briefly put up with ticks.  A tick bites and in a fairly short time after attaching itself to me it dies.  Guess I've gone green.  I wonder if I'm safer for the environment than Deet.

Last Monday was spent at St. Mary's getting drawn and quartered in preparation for the up-coming radiation and this was followed by a Catscan then I had to go back on Tuesday for a Petscan.  Both days were chilly and rainy.  When I got home early Tuesday evening all I wanted to do was take a long, hot shower but I had no water.  Nothing came out of the spigots but sputtering air.  The plumbers were called early Wednesday morning and got here before noon.  The problem turned out to be the pressure tank and not the well pump.  Popping the cover off the circuit box for the tank the plumber said "Here's the culprit" and showed me where a ladybug managed to get into the circuit box and touched two live wires which caused the current to arc through her and fried both the electrical system and the ladybug. 


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