Title: Wasted Vessel - Part One
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,533
Characters/Pairing: Sam, Dean, Bobby, Lucifer, Castiel.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Summary: 'It turns out that you and me, we're the, uh, the fire and the oil of the Armageddon. You know, on that basis alone, we should just pick a hemisphere. Stay away from each other for good. After the
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Comments 8
Thank you for sharing.
I have just posted part two of this story.
CoM x
I have just posted the second part of this story.
CoM x
PS: Thanks to you, I now have a morbid fascination with how far one has to go before ressurcetion/repair becomes impossible. The things I'm imagining would give Freddy Krueger nightmares! >.
I toyed with the idea of Sam coming back with scar from what he had done to injure himself, but I realized it would be a little too gruesome.
I have just posted the second and final part of this story.
CoM x
I love to write this kind of story. I think that means we are both a little twisted. ;)
I have just posted the last part of this story.
CoM x
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