Are you sure the title is is "Elements of Erotica"? There's the "Elements of Arousal" book by Lars Eighner that's been highly recommended as "if you don't mind that it's about gay erotica it's a great book about how to write effective scenes in general that applies much more widely than just erotica" by people such as Pat Kight.
Tracking it down is not that difficult; there's an expurgated (non-explicit) revision of it online on Lars's website (which unfortunately still seems to be a work-in-progress with some of the later chapters unfinished), and although his links to the original seem to be broken, the original is available at although you have to fiddle a bit to follow the links since it wasn't all crawled at the same time.
Comments 2
Tracking it down is not that difficult; there's an expurgated (non-explicit) revision of it online on Lars's website (which unfortunately still seems to be a work-in-progress with some of the later chapters unfinished), and although his links to the original seem to be broken, the original is available at although you have to fiddle a bit to follow the links since it wasn't all crawled at the same time.
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