Brains? What brains?

Feb 14, 2010 20:18

Guys. Guys, this is amazing. Just. My icon description is perfect for what I'm feeling right now. I sort of want to laugh really, really loud ( Read more... )

yu-gi-oh, wtf is this shit, also lulzbian, whut

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Comments 8

anonymous February 14 2010, 19:31:45 UTC
Yeah, people are stupid, surprise ;)

And even though I deliberately didn't do anything today, that last part of your post makes me think maybe I should've sent you a taser or something :P

Also, emailz, do you ever check them?


bowensilverclaw February 14 2010, 19:32:34 UTC
Ugh, stupid LJ logging me out mid-post...
Sorry 'bout that.


clonechild February 15 2010, 15:10:30 UTC
I am watching GX the same way I watched the original series: with Wikipedia open in one tab and searching for the episodes with my favourite character in them and ignoring all the rest. It's actually watchable then since lord knows I don't give a crap about the card games. My favourites: Bakura Ryou (original series), partially the sweetest boy you'll ever meet and partially a raving psychopath, and Marufuji Ryou (GX), aloof older brother whose brain gets hooked on evil, leather and electricity and going LOL I DON'T CARE whenever other people go OMG.


bowensilverclaw February 15 2010, 15:22:16 UTC
That's nice, but how exactly is it relevant? :confused:


reichsfreiherr February 15 2010, 01:25:55 UTC
The e-mail issue sounds like the classic case of asking which e-mail service someone uses only to have them reply that it’s on their computer. Still, you did manage to convince them which will doubtless stand them in good stead once smartphones become the dominant species on the market. On one hand you’ve artificially brought them up to speed on the matter when they ought to have fallen behind in terms of advancement but on the other since you have to deal with them it’s less aggravating for you now that you have.

As for the link: I can’t think of anything even remotely resembling sensible commentary to go with that. Christ, people are stupid.


clonechild February 15 2010, 15:07:18 UTC
The email thing reminded me mostly of something I once saw on a forum: someone'd posted a list with the stupidest questions people had ever asked a helpdesk worker. With classics like trying to put your actual mail, as in paper mail in the DVD slot and being surprised when it didn't work. Or thinking the DVD slot was actually a coffee cup holder.

And the link, yeah. None of us are as stupid as all of us.


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