
Sep 01, 2009 23:19

I am not dead yet. I am, however, enchanted with my shiny Tales of Vesperia game, and gamelogs are imminent. Probably.

Vacation was pretty awesome; a more detailed account to come later, since I am very lazy.

The new registration system for my university is a load of crap, as is gmail this day, but how is that any different from usual?


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Comments 12

zetsuboubilly September 1 2009, 22:26:37 UTC
wth, did you get a xbox or something?


clonechild September 2 2009, 19:32:01 UTC
Yup ^^

I could buy one second-hand from one of my brother's friends. They had two at home and figured they didn't need that many.


zetsuboubilly September 2 2009, 19:40:41 UTC
lol xD Crazy! Any other games you got?
My gamertag is ZetsubouBilly89, if you want to add me ^^
Try Eternal Sonata as well, it's only 20 euro's now. =) You'll like it.

I'm so in love with Yuri. <3
I wrote a review, it's on my livejournal. There are no spoilers (not that you care anyway)


clonechild September 3 2009, 08:36:12 UTC
I already got Eternal Sonata, for 15 euro :) And Beautiful Katamari, for the same price. And we got GTA and another game with the console, but only my brother plays those.

I read the review! And Yuri is indeed pretty cool although some aspects of his personality sort of bug me, but that's a rant best left for the gamelogs.

And, uh, I still need to sign up to XBoxLive or however the hell that works ^^;


bowensilverclaw September 2 2009, 06:49:53 UTC
Welcome back :)


clonechild September 2 2009, 19:32:22 UTC
Thanks :)

How was your holiday?


bowensilverclaw September 3 2009, 16:59:31 UTC
Boring, broke my foot so couldn't do a lot of what I wanted -.-'

Did hang out with the guys a couple of times though, that was fun :)


clonechild September 5 2009, 15:48:10 UTC
Aww, that really blows. How did you break it? Hopefully now while turning of the DVD player...


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