Gaming: Radiant Mythology

Apr 01, 2009 10:51

Tales series fangasm behind the cut.

Somewhere on the internet I read about Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology and ran to And you bet I'll be buying the second game if it gets translated. And the Tales of Fandom games, although they'll probably stay Japan-exclusive games, damnit.

Anyway, RadiMyth is some sort of giant Tales crossover. Sort of like Dissidia, only less pretty and with more story. Which doesn't change the fact that I still want to play Dissidia as well, of course.
The story is that you, the player character, are a 'Defender'; born of the World Tree of a particular world (I forgot the name) to defend that world when it is in danger. Some kind of bad guy is going around destroying worlds, and you are born at the start of the game and get infodumped by a Defender from another world, whose world got destroyed, but the Defender, named Mormo, survived due to some Deus ex Machina plothole that I can't remember at the moment. At the start of the game you build a character; gender, colours, job class etc.
You save some girl named Kanonno from a few soldiers and enlist in a guild named Ad Libitum, run by Tales characters. Then you do quests until you are strong enough to advance the storyline.

It's a very cute game, in my opinion, with lots of fanservice, given that it's a crossover. And I must admit that I bought it primarily because Reid from Tales of Eternia was in it.
About the original characters: your own character is more a viewpoint than anything else and doesn't have much of a personality. Mormo can be either funny or incredibly annoying, and is singularly useless in battle since he never does anything. Kanonno is the obligatory genki girl and the plot twist involving her I could see coming from miles away, was made of headdesking fail and the most jarring case of Easily Forgiven I have ever seen, and she also never fights in your party even though she supposedly travels with you.

Now the Tales characters. Reid is still my favourite. He's just... It's amazing. It also really shows how Reid is not actually a stereotypical main character. In Eternia Farah (who is in RadiMyth 2! With Keele! And Chat! Not Meredy, though D:) is the driving force behind the rest of the party for most of the game. And while the rest of the Tales characters joined Ad Libitum out of wanting to help people, or, probably, in the case of Luke, not having anything better to do, Reid joined up because otherwise he'd have to pay more for his food. Oh, Reid~

Then there are Lloyd, Genis, Raine and Kratos from Symphonia, Luke and Tear from Abyss, Chester and Arche from Phantasia (who are amazing oh my god loooove ♥), Stahn, Leon, Rutee, Philia, Nanaly, Garr and Harold from Destiny (this game also got me into shipping Stahn/Leon. No, seriously, if you don't want me to ship them, Mormo, then don't liken them to a couple), and Eugene and Annie and Senel from I have no idea what Tales game. But they're fun.
Tear's weakness for cute things is completely retarded and also incredibly amazing, especially given that the cute things don't like her back and are, in fact, a bit afraid of her. Luke is a brat and a half (Asch is also going to be in RadiMyth 2 omgomgomg). Stahn is c~u~t~e. Leon and ice cream, 'aren't you going to get sick from that amount WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT IS YOUR THIRD PORTION' o-omg my stomach. Lloyd and Reid interaction is great and completely hilarious and in-character and adorkable. Reid eating Raine and Arche's cooking and thinking it's good, and Arche then thinking it actually is edible and running off to whip up something for Chester who'll no doubt get food poisoning from it if he isn't just going to fall over and die. Or Arche quizzing the guys on what type of girl they like and Reid saying, 'Omelettes'. Tear petting Eugene and Eugene going o_O, Philia's adoration of Harold and her cute, cute crush on Stahn, awwww.

So the characters are amazing and awesome and it is all for great justice and love and flowers and kittens, but the story is harshing my squee. No, seriously. It's just retarded. And not in the cute, omigod that's so adorable way, but in the way Genesis Rhapsodus is retarded. The no good, horrible, what is this rubbish, facepalming kind of way. The story was completely predictable up until the point where I am now, and if the famed Tales plot twist is still coming then it might get to redeem itself, but I'm afraid the famed Tales plot twist was all that fail with Kanonno, which only earned itself bad points. The bad guy is a serious Sephiroth rip-off, listening to the stupid name of 'Lord Widdershin'. Seriously. Is that supposed to be the name of the fear-inducing, pants-wetting-in-sheer-terror-inspiring bad guy? It sounds like a toddler's pronounciation of 'wiedersehen'.

So, in short, the story is best left alone and the original characters are nothing to write home about, but the only reason to play the game in the first place is the giant crossover appeal, and that is glorious.

tales of, games are too awesome for tags, whut

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