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Comments 16

bowensilverclaw February 24 2009, 21:14:14 UTC
No. 1 reporting for duty.

For what it's worth, I consider you a friend, so if you need someone to talk to, you can always drop me a line, I'll be there for you.

I won't go into crazy detail over the web, but I've had my fair share of troubles IRL, so I think I can at least be a good listener and a decent conversational partner in case you ever want to talk about anything.

Anywho, I'll leave all that up to you since I know I wouldn't want anyone nagging me about stuff like that either if I don't want to talk about it.

See you tomorrow,


clonechild February 24 2009, 21:53:34 UTC
Thanks for that^_^ Though I think if I started talking at you about it, it would end up in TMI country.


bowensilverclaw February 24 2009, 22:02:49 UTC
Forgive my ignorance, but what is TMI? :embarrassed

Anywho, it's up to you, but my offer still stands :)


clonechild February 24 2009, 22:46:18 UTC
TMI = Too Much Information.


reichsfreiherr February 24 2009, 21:29:41 UTC
Do you really need to tell your parents about it? It would be no more their business what you did behind closed doors if you were engaging in extreme bondage with several polyamorous girlfriends than if you weren’t. That said, if you are used to being that open with your parents I can see how it might prove a problem. Bearing in mind that I’m dropping my two euros on the matter here since you tossed the topic out to the general public and that I’m sure you’ll find a satisfactory resolution yourself since you’re the only person who’s an sort of authority on what you feel, I don’t see that it’s all that much of a problem not to want to get married or anything else besides. By way of example, I have no intention of breeding since I’m not nearly cruel enough to inflict various and sundry health conditions on any unfortunate heirs and that’s nobody else’s business but my own. I don’t have a family name to preserve after all since it’s actually only been in use for two generations after all and any claim I might have had on much of ( ... )


clonechild February 24 2009, 21:52:44 UTC
I actually am not used to telling my parents anything, much to their annoyance. It's more that I would like them to know. That, and my youngest sister starts whining at me every so often that I should just get a boyfriend, marry and have kids because she wants to become an aunt. I actually am not planning on getting married either. I just think I'm attracted to the romantic ideal of it. And marrying just for that would probably be an even worse reason than with your health problems.

Thank you for your two cents. It's sort of nice to talk about people with it, especially since I'm just not used to talking about my problems in person.


reichsfreiherr March 1 2009, 13:20:59 UTC
Depending on things like their views on such things or your age and so on I’m not sure I’d necessarily advise you to tell them. As liberating as it may seem to tell them and your sister that you have no intention on following through on anybody else’s fantasies it might just lead to denial on their part or actively badgering you to change your mind. Communities like childfree and cf_hardcore are peppered with people sharing their annoyance at being told they need to change their minds for example ( ... )


ringquelle June 13 2009, 16:46:18 UTC
I'm sure you'll be fine, you have always been. Perhaps you just haven't found the right guy *cough* Alex *cough* yet. ;)

Speaking of which... did you know a new Golden Sun will be coming out on the DS?


clonechild June 17 2009, 10:23:55 UTC
Hey, long time no see!

...Your reaction is pretty much the same as my parents, minus the Alex bit. It makes me feel like a lesbian coming out only to hear she just needs to find a good guy.

Yessss, GS3! No, I hadn't heard that yet. About time, though. How long are we waiting now, about six years?


ringquelle June 20 2009, 14:09:12 UTC
Yeah, six years. It was announced at the E3 Nintendo Press Conference in a kind of like "Oh yeah, btw, Golden Sun 3 is coming out as well. Now let's move on to something different" kind of way. So far it's looking pretty good (touch screen+Alex is always good, though I'm not sure if he will be in it). It's in 3D, which is quite a change, but they kept the good old music so it feels kind of like... home.

Two of the main characters look a lot like grown-up versions of Isaac and Garet, the third one seems to be a female Jupiter Adept with green hair (perhaps Sheba dyed her hair, or Garet did something stupid and turned it green).( http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/article/989/989502/golden-sun-ds-20090602113934286_640w.jpg )


ringquelle June 20 2009, 18:05:15 UTC
Yeah, six years. It was announced at the E3 Nintendo Press Conference in a kind of like "Oh yeah, btw, Golden Sun 3 is coming out as well. Now let's move on to something different" kind of way. So far it's looking pretty good (touch screen+Alex is always good, though I'm not sure if he will be in it). It's in 3D, which is quite a change, but they kept the good old music so it feels kind of like... home.

Two of the main characters look a lot like grown-up versions of Isaac and Garet, the third one seems to be a female Jupiter Adept with green hair (perhaps Sheba dyed her hair, or Garet did something stupid and turned it green).( http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/article/989/989502/golden-sun-ds-20090602113934286_640w.jpg )

Long time no see indeed. I am getting a new room soon, perhaps we could meet and chat a bit when it's done?


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