It's times like these that I know the Internet has corrupted my brain

Feb 16, 2009 20:50

According to the mingle screen of my DS I just ran into 'bliss on a stick'.

There is a cock joke waiting in there somewhere.

twewy, also lulzbian, whut

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Comments 14

bowensilverclaw February 16 2009, 20:10:41 UTC
Wait, that's it?
That's the entire entry?

Ow well, after last session's remark to Steven's character I shouldn't be too surprised :P

Also, I posted again, please validate my existance? ;)

Also, check your mail :)

See you around,
~J ^_^


clonechild February 16 2009, 20:18:23 UTC
I'm mingling while doing homework (mingling is, among others, a way to gain points in TWEWY), and I opened the DS and got that message. Whenever you encounter 'aliens' (basically, it happens randomly, and you gain one hundred points for every alien you encounter) you get messages that start with 'you ran into' and end in something weird. I've run into a string of bad luck and a monkey's uncle, for example.


bowensilverclaw February 16 2009, 20:45:54 UTC
Not touching the monkey with a ten-foot pole...

Say, since when do you do homework anyway? ;)
The random alien encounter kinda reminds me of my Pokemon days...


bowensilverclaw February 16 2009, 20:52:34 UTC
Also, sorry about the water thing, I really felt bad about that...

Say, did you catch that mail about the upcoming holiday?

Regardless of that, wanna hang out/game/whatever next weekend or during the holiday?


derfuehrer February 16 2009, 23:17:05 UTC
Nah, surely DS is a medium far too educated and civilized to allow such childish jokes. However this theory of yours raises the counterquestion why you conceive of such type of jokes in the first place?

Also, I'm surprised again by the utter fast response compared to the refreshment rate of entries, it would almost make one wonder whether the responder in question does not have any urgent or otherwise meaningful tasks to attend to.

Please excuse me for the silly writing style, too much of British finest comedy television does that to man.


clonechild February 17 2009, 08:08:50 UTC
There can never be too much British comedy.

And about my DS being a civilized, well-bred medium, ha! You have never played TWEWY, have you? That game lives on innuendo.

And the cock jokes can all be blamed on the Final Fantasy Capslock community, where I learned that the correct answer to pretty much any question is either 'cock' or 'Zeromus'. And frequently both.


derfuehrer February 17 2009, 13:42:18 UTC
And perhaps the fact that most of the FF community consists of sexually frustrated teenage boys. Also, about DS being a civilized, well-bred medium: British comedy rests on irony and sarcasm.


clonechild February 18 2009, 15:21:26 UTC
*snort* I think the FF community consists mostly of geeky girls and women actually. Final Fantasy seem to be mostly girls' games.

My DS is actually very civilized. None of those eye-bleeding colours or loud sounds; it can be very quiet and well-spoken and is a tasteful black. The game, on the other hand... (Not The Game, TWEWY. By the way, you just lost)


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