Blah blah New Year blah blah what?

Dec 18, 2007 21:15

Meme ganked from... somewhere.
YEAR IN REVIEW: Take the first sentence (or two) from the first post of each month of 2007. That's your year in review.

January: What the title said.
February: So now it's come to this, hasn't it?
March: A couple of things to look forward to (or not...):
April: My feet hurt.
May: Yay, birthday!
July: God, I'm hungry, and I just ate.
August: Saw the fifth HP movie some days ago.
September: Introduction over.
October: Had my first college of Political Theory today.
November: Had my first test yesterday.
December: I really should be working on something or other, or writing my Christmas cards, or maybe finishing that drawing I started on several weeks ago, but instead I'm slumped in front of the pc eating cookies with whipped cream and not doing anything of importance.
(Which would be the latest entry after this one. God, I'm pathetic.)

meme, random

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