Title: Warping Arda: Adrift in the Ages
clodia_metelli Characters: Glorfindel, Celebrían, Aredhel, Erestor.
Rating: G
Book/Source: Silmarillion.
Disclaimer: I am not J.R.R. Tolkien and I make no money from this.
Summary: Five drabbles written for
tolkien_weekly's A Season of Gifts challenge. Glorfindel's still having trouble fitting his First Age past into his
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Comments 12
I especially like the last one, "Afterwards". The golden candlelight, the golden brandy - such lovely images. The whole scene is so easily pictured and felt.
And even if I haven't ever tasted miruvor, I'm with Glorfindel in the last one: you have to love brandy. Wonderful, thanks!
I know what you mean about the Silm -- the way it offers the possibility of invoking whole tragic cycles by throwing out a single name. I love being able to make links and undercut what's being said by doing it! (I don't deal a lot with ancient literature as literature, but I think it's the sort of game you find being played a lot in Hellenistic poetry especially, which I understand tends to be very convoluted and to reference obscure myths in very concise ways.) And you know Doriath is my true love out of all the Silmarillion kingdoms. :D
I am not keen on brandy (except for the color), but fine port....well that's my personal miruvor.
- Erulisse (one L)
You paint with words very beautiful pictures. Awesome!
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