Title: A Beleriand Treasury of Childish Tales (5): The Gingerbread Cave
clodia_metelli Rating: K+
Summary/Prompt: Trolls, tea parties and a touch of literary theory.
Note/Warnings: references to trollish dining habits; a/n below. MEFA 2010 Honorable Mention in Genres: Drama: Incomplete (for chapters 1 ~ 8).
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Comments 10
I liked this but I also quite like Pratchett and fell into the story for that reason as well as the fact it was Tolkien and I had a good laugh while reading! I also shared this with a friend, knowing they’d like the Pratchett influence, and, when they recovered from the snickerfit of the beginning, they fell into the story as well and quite liked it.
And now, I feel, I should read Pyramids and re-read Small Gods; it's been a while since I've had the pleasure of the latter and I can't ever remember reading the former.
What comes around, goes around...
//I liked this but I also quite like Pratchett and fell into the story for that reason//
Fantastic, I rather love Pratchett myself! There's never a bad time to reread Small Gods, which may just be my favourite, and Pyramids is a lot of fun. (It was completely random that those were the ones I used here: they were the only ones I could find in the library.) I'm so glad you and your friend enjoyed this!
Which they did.
And they had no sympathy for Erestor getting caught at all.
Also the glow-in-the-dark elves and the thing about pink curtains and cushions was hilarious. I always liked the trolls from the Hobbit: it struck me as slightly unfair they were turned to stone, being dumb but not really all that bad. William in particular seemed like a nice guy, plus they went for free range meat, which is more than most KFC visitors can say. :P
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