Oh, by the way- I'm thinking of joining theatre_stills; how do you submit your icons, exactly? I know you post them anonymously, but other than that... I'm not sure. XD
Oh, you just go into the entry thread for the theme that week. Post an image of the icon along with the image link.
So, if you upload your icon at imageshack.us, you would do:
copy and paste the same link right under here
You don't do it anonymously. Stay logged in and post so the owner of the community knows who made the icon. Comments there are automatically screened, so none of the other makers will be able to see your icons, only the moderator will. =]
woo! I just saw you on a community using one of my text icons [it says "*facepalm* I believe...either that or *headdesk*...], and then saw you had a few more of my other icons as well [saved up.] Awesome. Thanks so much. It's a pleasure to see them used/saved. I appreciate it. =]
Comments 18
So, if you upload your icon at imageshack.us, you would do:
copy and paste the same link right under here
You don't do it anonymously. Stay logged in and post so the owner of the community knows who made the icon. Comments there are automatically screened, so none of the other makers will be able to see your icons, only the moderator will. =]
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