It's been a little while since I've posted. The activity level around Christmas time (and the resultant burn-out) has left me needing some serious down-time - mostly in the form of playing computer games, eating comfort food, and staying HOME.
Dillon is getting better. I have been cooking for him - something I resisted for a loooong time - and now he's putting on weight, has better stools and is displaying personality again. For a long time he was too damn sick to show any sort of personality - he is doing MUCH better.
Last Sunday, Clay and I hosted his sister and BIL for a last-minute steak dinner. It was nice, and they appreciated it. The fact that they live across the street made the snowstorm not a real problem. Clay however, who now lives about 15 minutes drive away, was stuck spending the night at my place. I managed to survive. ::snork::
Work has been alternately crazy and completely boring. However, something happened today that will really pick up the pace around here, I suspect. Further updates as events warrant.
The computer game that has been my latest obsession is Fallout 3. Beautiful. Seductive. Worthy of obsession. Argh.
Many things are coming up, which are going to force me out of my shell:
- a welcome party this Saturday for new Greyhound owners by the head of the rescue organization I got Dillon from;
bixxy and
trimalchio's Theateroke party in February (basically staged readings of whatever you want to bring - theater people - sheesh). I intend to bring a buncha stuff that I've been dying to hear performed live - much Terry Pratchett, which may cause
bixxy to groan and/or flee;
- a wine tasting fund-raiser for the Greyhound group in February (to raise money for the Lincoln's Wish Fund that contributed so generously to Dillon's health); and somewhere in there Clay and I are going to take another weekend trip to Boston.
...there are other things, too - I just don't have them at my fingertips. The next month and a half is going to be busy!