Would Saint Valentine find this a worthy tribute?

Feb 14, 2011 23:02

Valentines Day is a day that used to fill me with dread and annoyance. Now I try to remain apathetic to it but there's always something in the back of my head nagging at me. Yesterday, as the hohum doldrums set in I thought about this LJ I have, a public forum to voice my frustrations as a single girl with many issues about this day. But then I ( Read more... )

buffy the vampire slayer, harper's island, ugly betty, csi, shipping, how i met your mother, television, the x-files, it's ranting time, supernatural

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Comments 3

xerox78 February 22 2011, 06:12:27 UTC
A week late on this, but anyway...

re: Ugly Betty

Unfortunately kissing misunderstandings, loser boyfriend conflict, former girlfriends returning, a pregnancy, a double job relocation, a new love interest, and a sudden proposal... well it's no wonder Betty thought the universe was conspiring to keep them from being together.

That's what I really hated about the way they did Betty/Henry. They never got to be "just Betty and Henry". It was always Betty, Henry, and someone getting in between them. Betty, Henry, and the big elephant in the room.

re: Harper's Island

I did like Abby and her boyfriend but I still felt for Henry and I kind of liked the possibility of Henry and Abby in some alternate universe where he doesn't get psycho after finding out his dad is a serial killer.

And where they aren't half-siblings. *yikes!*


xerox78 February 28 2011, 07:24:35 UTC
Forgot to add...

I remember someone writing to Ausiello(?) when Matt was written off UB mid-season and asking why. Ausiello quoted Silvio Horta as basically saying that Matt had to go because he and Betty weren't having any problems in their relationship and it was basically pointless to have a relationship if there was no drama. Unfortunately, a lot of writers and producers agree with that, so there's going to be a lot more doomed tv couples.


cloakedhestia April 1 2011, 03:00:00 UTC
It's never to late too reply to any of my posts, old or new! I should've known they broke up Betty and her rich beau for a contrived reason (even if we got some nice Henry/Betty kissing out of it). Sure I didn't really care for Matt but to think they got rid of him because there wasn't enough drama? Well couldn't they rely on their other characters for the show's daily dose of drama? And even if they wanted the main character (Betty) to provide some of it, the drama could've come from her interactions with everyone and their problems. Something with her job, or trying to help her friends, *not* her love life! Jeez, just because it's got telenovela roots doesn't mean it has to be so melodramatic. Le sigh. This will be one of those shows that will always nag at me for a while.

As for the Henry/Abby pairing from Harper's Island, forgot to mention the not being related part of their alternate world hook-up! Thanks for reminding me.
... )


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