Smutathon Entry 3: Indecent Proposal (Bill/Fleur)

Aug 30, 2011 21:33

Title: Indecent Proposal
Pairing: Fleur/Bill
A/N: Veelas are predatory creatures. What more can I say?

The night Bill Weasley proposed to Fleur, she hesitated before saying yes.  Bill held his breath wondering what had gone wrong, but then she smiled nervously at him.

“Before I give you my reply, you ‘ave to know somesing about me. If eet iz a problem, zen I will pretend zat you never asked.”

“Problem?” he asked nervously.

“I am part-Veela.”

He laughed. “I know that.”

She stared at him, then said in a serious voice. “It means that sometimes I am ...”


She flushed a very pretty shade of pink. “I need certain sings.”

“What like clothes and stuff?” he asked, puzzled. “I earn a good wage, Fleur. You can have it all.”

“Non, non, non. You misunderstand me,” she whispered and then moved closer, so close that she was practically sitting on his lap. “Zere are times when I need someone.”


“Well, ‘opefully, you, Bill, but you’ll need to be wiz me, or else...”She smiled. “’Ogwarts was an interesting time for me.”

“You mean sex,” he replied, wondering what the fuss was about.

“Oui,” she said, breaking into a smile. “I mean sex, but I need it to be hot.” One hand moved to the front of her robes, whilst the other moved to his groin. She leant forwards. “I need it ‘ard... and I need it now!”

His mouth gaping, Bill wasted no time. He usually liked to peel off her clothes, enjoyed watching her body appear slowly as she teased him, but today as he slid one hand inside her robe, he realised she was totally naked underneath. Ignoring his own clothes, he ripped off hers and sucked at her breasts as his hand slid up her thigh to encounter the slippery warmth of her.  She began to moan; he pulled her up on the sofa and let his mouth explore, whilst she braced herself against the wall.  His hands gripped her waist, pulling her to him as his lips and tongue slid into her. Fleur began to quiver in his arms, her body aching with desire, but before she reached her climax, she pulled away.

“Fuck me until I scream!” she uttered, and legs akimbo she lay back on the sofa, drawing him to her.

Bunching his robes about his waist, Bill thrust inside her, tantalised by the sensations coursing through him. He slowed the pace, intent on prolonging the ecstasy, but Fleur grabbed his arse and pulled him right into her. She dug her nails into his buttocks. “Until I scream!” she ordered, bucking into him.

Helpless to do anything but obey, Bill continued, fast and furious, as she began to moan, urging him on, but not yet, not yet, not yet.

“Come on, you bitch!” he muttered, then just as he was sure he couldn’t hold on a second longer, she screamed.

He shuddered violently to orgasm, and collapsed in her arms.

“Do you ‘ave somesing to ask me?” she whispered, staring into his eyes.

“Fleur Delacour,” he said, panting, “you’d better fucking marry me, or I’ll never be able to fuck again.”

“Oui,” she agreed, and snuggled into his arms.

this_gon_be_good, smutathon entry, canon_smut_be_delish, sexy_can_i, fab_flist_is_fab

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