28 - LXG (Tom Sawyer)

Jun 01, 2007 17:57

So. I haven’t done this in ages. But I made icons of Tom Sawyer. Yes, from LXG. Try not to die of shock XD It’s been a while, but I wanted to see how they looked with my new colouring technique. So I made one icon from each ‘chapter’ of the movie that he features in, and each deleted scene he’s in as well. So yes, that totals up to twenty-eight ( Read more... )

actor: shane west, movie: lxg

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Comments 13

vampyric_lycan June 1 2007, 17:11:16 UTC
*flails* Toooooom! I...have no idea what I'd use them for, but I'm snatching a bunch XD


clez June 1 2007, 17:13:32 UTC
Hehehehehe XD He has been oh-so-neglected as of late XD Glad you like, Dru-ster (and how sad is it that I only have one LXG icon now?).


sweetest_potato June 1 2007, 17:26:10 UTC
Zomg, it has been a while hasn't it? Oh he's still the best thing in that movie. I especially love 1, 4, 15 (i'm a sucker for wide cropping) and 25.


clez June 1 2007, 17:32:21 UTC
:D It's been a very long time. Since I like how these came out (I hate sounding approving of my own work), I might make more in the near-future :D Thank you! (and I love wide cropping too XD)


diapadme June 1 2007, 20:23:20 UTC
oh lovely! love them... I need to see that film again^^


clez June 1 2007, 23:52:12 UTC
I do too XD It's been way too long since I saw it. Thank you for the comment! :D


phantomberkanna June 1 2007, 21:37:04 UTC
*squeeee* I always forget Shane West is in this movie. I need to watch it again. Snagging #6 for the serious hotness.


clez June 1 2007, 23:53:17 UTC
It's hard to believe it's the same guy, looking at him then (blonde hair and clean-shaven) and now (scruffy dark hair and stubble etc) XD I love him as Tom Sawyer though.



sethoz June 2 2007, 01:07:36 UTC
eee, Tom.

Ah, it really has been a while. Urge to watch LXG all over again :D

snagged a whole bunch becasue Tom needs more love in my icons. The shame of it all :D


clez June 2 2007, 03:26:01 UTC
:D I had the urge randomly last night/when I woke up. Well, hardly a shock - you've seen my bedroom XD

Gah! The same is true of me. I only have one icon from the movie, and would you believe it's not even of Tom? O.o I don't know what's wrong with me!

Oh, and thank you, btw XD


sethoz June 4 2007, 15:02:02 UTC
And a very shiny bedroom it is XD

*gasps* For SHAME Clezy! Not even of Tomtom? That hurts me... inside. ;)


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