Requests! :D

May 11, 2007 18:20

I haven't done this in a while, and I'm in an icon-y mood recently. So, yay? :D I won't be putting a limit on the amount of requests; I'll just see how many come in, and when they stop showing up in my inbox.

So! Here we go :D

Comment here with your request(s)!
Some guidelines/notes:
- Each person may request two icons (though I might go a bit ( Read more... )

non-graphics: requests

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Comments 31

sometimescrazy May 11 2007, 18:49:48 UTC
Definitely jumping on this bandwagon. I love your icons. :)

Also, not that anyone might want one, but sure, shareable is okay. :)


com_lag May 11 2007, 18:53:59 UTC
Can I have a Hot Fuzz one please? :) Don't really have any specific pic in mind, you might be better at finding one than me...


clez May 11 2007, 23:40:55 UTC
Lazy :P And shareable or nay?


com_lag May 11 2007, 23:45:51 UTC
I did look.:P And I don't mind sharing.


clez May 11 2007, 21:11:14 UTC
>.> Doooo you happen to have another version of the top picture? The blur and the text might make it kind of a pain in the ass XD But the 'hawk demands respect, so any other picture you have with that 'do - throw it at me XD


vampyric_lycan May 11 2007, 21:38:41 UTC
Gah, I've got a picture of him with the real 'hawk, but it's got the Ten Inch Hero logo on it. Would that be a problem?


clez May 11 2007, 22:19:44 UTC
Depends how big the logo is - toss the link my way, and I'll see >.>


coral_catshark May 13 2007, 16:44:26 UTC
Hello could I request icon of Danny please? You know what I like so I have been lazy and not looked for any pictures that I want icons of. I don't know whether to be selfish or not and allow them to be shareable!


clez May 13 2007, 17:10:40 UTC
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaazy lady :D Of course you can have some Danny-squee icons ;) And best make up your mind about whether or not to be selfish XD I haven't made them yet obviously, but I need to know for when I post them :)

*uses corresponding icon* XD


coral_catshark May 13 2007, 17:14:58 UTC
Hehe the NY two who can beat them? NOONE!They are made of awesome!

Can be selfish then?


clez May 13 2007, 17:33:06 UTC
They are made of awesome, shiny and win :D Wahoo! XD (no peacock jokes, please)

:D You can indeed! Danny icons just for you, comin' up! (or, you know, coming up when I post them all)


salivia_baker May 20 2007, 09:23:10 UTC
uuh nicy requests!
-> Eric Bana
-> Christoph Metzelder

As for SPN, too bad but I know the feeling :-( Beeing 1 oder 2 seasons behind is normal here *sigh*


salivia_baker May 20 2007, 09:23:32 UTC
oh, forgot: not shareable


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