Requests! :D

May 11, 2007 18:20

I haven't done this in a while, and I'm in an icon-y mood recently. So, yay? :D I won't be putting a limit on the amount of requests; I'll just see how many come in, and when they stop showing up in my inbox.

So! Here we go :D

Comment here with your request(s)!
Some guidelines/notes:
- Each person may request two icons (though I might go a bit overboard when I actually make them; there's no telling until I make them).
- You may either provide links to pictures for me to use, or simply request a non-descript Interest icon, which I will select from your LJ user page.
- When providing pictures, the higher the quality of the picture, the better! Please don't give me something small and grainy; they're impossible to work with. Also, some screencaps can be difficult, so nothing unbelievably dark, for quality's sake.
- I don't care if I know the fandom or not. No limitations. Any fandom, or any interest from your LJ page.
- All icons will be textless, in the style of my current userpic.
- Please specify if you want the icons to be shareable or not, after they're made.
- Weird final note: if you are requesting a Supernatural icon, I live in England; we are MILES behind America, so please, NO SPOILERS. Thanks.

non-graphics: requests

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