90 LXG - Tom Sawyer

Jun 20, 2006 23:01

Been a while since I've done a massive Tom Sawyer icon dump right? XD Well, the wait (yeah right XD) is over, and here's another maaaaaassive batch of everyone's favourite Extraordinary Spy ^_^

Next batch, you can expect more Thoughtcrimes, and then Atlantis, Shane West, and some wolves XD


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actor: shane west, movie: lxg

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Comments 19

shortypenguin June 20 2006, 22:55:57 UTC
omg.....clez....YOU HAVE JUST KILLED ME!!!!! O________O

-has saved a bunch-


clez June 20 2006, 23:14:37 UTC
*breaks out defibrillator* >________>

Oops? Glad you like though XD


sawyerfan June 21 2006, 00:33:28 UTC
Stupendous! Wonderful! Marvelous! My eyes nearly popped out of my head (pleasurably of course!). Loved them all, though the ones where Mina is touching Tom (grabbing bat repellent)...well...that got my jealousy up and out. Number 15 is a personal fave...it's like Sawyer is telling me to plant a kiss right where he's pointing. C'mon on over darlin', I'll be more than willing!

By the way...you working on Envenom? Got to put that in there.


ladynorbert June 21 2006, 02:43:49 UTC
15 is a personal fave...it's like Sawyer is telling me to plant a kiss right where he's pointing.

I think you mean number 9 -- he's not pointing at anything in 15.


clez June 21 2006, 02:49:51 UTC
Thank you! Glad you like them.

And all my fics are in the works, yeah >.> They're not letting one another take turns, hence all the delays :(


siddyq June 21 2006, 02:22:32 UTC
Oh the pretties!!!!!!! *swoons* you have made my day big sis ^_^ *huggles her one Tommuse*

hehe stole a few of these will credit as always ^_^


clez June 21 2006, 02:50:17 UTC
Heheheheh XD Glad I could help!


ladynorbert June 21 2006, 02:43:02 UTC
[predictable] Look at all the pretties! [/predictable]

My Lizzymuse is very, very happy right now...she seems to particularly like #38.


clez June 21 2006, 02:51:10 UTC
Hehehehehe XD Glad you like! EQ and SP Toms got new icons ;)


milmiss June 21 2006, 11:30:35 UTC
Very nice! My favorites are #6, 11, 15, 20, 22, 40, 46, 61 and the best of the best #71, 78 and 82. Nice job :)


clez June 21 2006, 20:37:06 UTC
Thank you! :D Much appreciated!

*looks at your icons* ... Heeeeeey, Tom's blonde XD Duuuuuude... *laughs* :)


milmiss June 21 2006, 21:40:39 UTC
Hehe. Well, I had to find something fitting when commenting or replying to you. This is actually from a cartoon I was watching when I was younger. Anyway, couldn't resist *g*


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