24 LXG

May 21, 2006 02:57

Been a while since I made a mixed LXG batch, I know, heh ^_^ Just got the sudden urge, for some reason - was in a bit of an LXG mood tonight (typically on a night where I should be in bed early @_@). Everyone features in this batch... save for poor Skinner... because I simply didn't include him; simple as that O_o Everyone else gets at least ( Read more... )

movie: lxg

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Comments 19

ladynorbert May 20 2006, 19:10:52 UTC
They're extremely cool. But #3 is ridiculously pretty.


clez May 20 2006, 19:12:40 UTC
:D Thank you! That's one of my favourites too, heh... >.>


areyoudying May 20 2006, 19:11:13 UTC
Gorgeous. :)
But poor Skinner. He's always been my favourite. ^^


clez May 20 2006, 19:13:55 UTC
Thanks! ^_^() I only realised I hadn't included him when I was uploading them to my server. I just kinda blinked, and went "d'oh", because he's my third favourite, after Sawyer and Mina XD I'll have to make a few extra for him next time, heh.


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clez May 21 2006, 09:33:08 UTC
Thank you! :)


harleyquinn03 May 20 2006, 19:41:12 UTC
Lovin' #5! Not using any, but I really like 'em! :D


clez May 21 2006, 09:34:31 UTC
:D Thank you!


sweetest_potato May 21 2006, 08:18:40 UTC
Aw. 10 makes my little Sawyer/Mina shipper heart happy. So I'm taking it with credit.


sweetest_potato May 21 2006, 08:21:27 UTC
I meeeeeean 18. My inability to type astounds even me sometimes.


clez May 21 2006, 09:35:18 UTC
XD Heheh, no worries - thanks :)


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