28 ER - Quintessence of Dust

Feb 16, 2006 15:14

I haven't actually seen this episode yet, but I was checking out the caps, and therefore, made some icons ^_^ I'm predictable that way. Once again, they're all textless, and simple in style. I really like how some of them came out.

Expect a batch of Ray icons from me later for my er_icons50 claim XD


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Comments 12

ladynorbert February 16 2006, 07:50:41 UTC
Not taking any, of course, but really like 16, 19, and 23.


clez February 16 2006, 07:54:44 UTC
Thank'ee :) *gets her butt online*


sweetest_potato February 16 2006, 09:41:25 UTC
You have S12 caps? Where did you get S12 caps. I want S12 caps.

Buuuuuut, I took 7 and 8 and 23 and 27. Will credit.


clez February 16 2006, 18:30:40 UTC
XD If you check my Resources, you'll see something called Shane West Fan; I get them all there. Or Shane West Paradise, failing that *cough*



jensucks February 16 2006, 16:48:04 UTC
oooh nice I likes :d


clez February 16 2006, 18:31:05 UTC
XD Thanks.


autumnfoxx February 16 2006, 17:57:00 UTC
Very nice. I like the plain ones just as much as the fancier icons. Like Ray much? ;)


clez February 16 2006, 18:32:07 UTC
I'm a fan of plain icons, even if 'fancy' icons can be fun to make and use. And yes, I'm very much a Ray-fan XD Well, more like Shane West fanatic, but you catch my drift ;)



franzi1988 February 17 2006, 06:41:00 UTC
great icons
saved 7, 13, 17 and 19.
will credit :)


clez February 17 2006, 07:14:56 UTC
Thank you! :D


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