100 Landon Carter; made for icons100

Jan 08, 2006 03:14

Okay, here we go... the big haul. This is for my record, and because, yay? I don't know. I want to put them all in one big post, in a nice big grid. ((Yes, I blatantly copied and pasted that from my big Tom Sawyer post))


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challenge: icons100, movie: a walk to remember

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Comments 8

vanouria January 7 2006, 21:04:44 UTC
*drops dead*

your icons always make me truly appreciate the sexiness that is shane west. ;DD the way you crop flatters each cap so well! AWESOME JOB!


clez January 8 2006, 11:41:02 UTC
Awww, thank you! I'm always a little worried about my cropping - whether or not it's imaginative/creative enough, but I'm glad you like it :)


jo__angel January 8 2006, 04:11:20 UTC
saved a tonne. Love them :)


clez January 8 2006, 11:41:58 UTC
Thanks! :) Appreciate it.


shining_phoenix January 8 2006, 09:06:35 UTC
Wow! So many icons! You know I love 'em! :) How can I not?


clez January 8 2006, 11:42:22 UTC
:D Yay. Thankies.


emjmas6 January 9 2006, 17:19:26 UTC
love them!!!


clez January 9 2006, 19:29:19 UTC
Thanks! :D


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