We're back!
Winter returns, and it’s time again to stoke the Clex fires with the sheer hotness of our ship. Sweet and early pre-slash, domestic and homey, far flung AUs, late season fix-it fics-- Let our fannish verve keep us toasty warm. This is for the boys, after all!
By the nature of the challenge, the gifts will be wide-ranging and exciting and you won't know what you get until you get it! You might get fic, you might get a vid; it might be a graphic. Open your present during the Holidays and see what you have. :)
November 7-November 17: Sign-ups! Reply to this post with the sign-up form below.
November 19: Assignments Sent Out (let us know if you have any questions)
December 20 - January 7: Email Completed Gifts to clexmas@gmail.com
December 24 - January 10: Gifts will be posted on the Clexmas Site (anonymously!)
January 12: Reveal of Gifts! {request for pitch-hitters if needed}
Posting Information
- All gifts will be posted anonymously to the Clexmas site by the moderators during posting season. After the reveal, all gift posts will be edited so that the gifter information is included in the posts.
- Email all gifts as attachments to clexmas@gmail.com They can be sent in whatever format you generally work in. Generally, Word docs for fics, .jpg for art, .avi for vids... etc. If we have a problem opening or working with something, we'll let you know. :)
- Please send the following information with your gift:
Title, Rating, Warnings, Summary, Gifter Notes
- If you have a beta you'd like to thank in gifter notes, that's part of the information we'll hold until the revel, because it will give hints. ^^;
- Questions? Email us at clexmas@gmail.com or send us a PM at
clexmasmystery Rules
1. This is a Clexmas Gift Exchange. All stories will feature Clark and Lex as the main pairing of the gift, celebrating the Clex in our lives. (Secondary pairings are allowed only with permission of the giftee.) (Since this is the Holidays, please also keep all gifts happy unless specifically requested by the giftee - no surprise dark Clex.)
2. No reusing old (already posted) material, please.
3. Complete stories only. Please do not post works-in-progress, or a "part one" of a story. (If you're running late on the time, that's one thing, and we can work something out, but please try not to make it a WIP if you can possibly help it.)
4. In the interest of allowing participants to give what they can, please do not ask for specific media for your gift. Instead, fill out the 'would like to see' portion of the sign-up as completely as possible and allow us to match you up to someone who might be able to fulfill that desire. (Unless you have a problem such as "no sound on the computer" which would limit your enjoyment of the gift.)
5. Try to fulfill at least one of the requests for your giftee. If you can fulfill more, then great, but not required. ^^
7. All participants should complete their assignments. Let us know if you are going to have trouble with the assignment, and we will try to do something about it.
8. Please feed the participants: Comment if you can!
If anybody has questions about coming up with prompts or ideas or wants to talk it out, please email us ( clexmas@gmail.com ) and we'll be happy to bounce ideas back and forth to help you with your gifting. :)
When signing up, please use this format (copy and paste this into the comment and then answer the questions) (write your answers after the in each of the questions):
LJ Name:
What you can do/your specialties (fic/vid/art, genre, ratings, etc.)?
Do you like your prompts detailed or general?
What you can't/won't do in regards to theme, genre, rating, or character?
What would you like to receive in your present (answer all questions below)
(DO NOT SKIP ANY! You are REQUIRED to give answers and prompts for ALL AREAS. Please. ^^)
Vid Music you like?
Vid Prompts: (give a couple of ideas, please)
Graphic Type and Ratings?
Graphic Prompts: (give a couple of ideas, please)
Fic Types and Ratings?
Fic Prompts: (give a couple of ideas, please)
What you don't want to see...
In a Fic?
In a Graphic?
In a Vid?
Can you pinch hit? yes/no
Anything else you think we should know? ^^
(Note - the information in that screen above scrolls - make sure you get all the questions! If you're not sure if you did, see the example post to check.)
If your answer won't fit all in one comment (darn LJ restrictions!), then feel free to split it into two comments. ;D Happens to the best of us!
Happy Clexmas to All! ^___^