Challenge! Super Sexy Scary 2012

Sep 06, 2012 12:06

Summer is starting to turn, the days are getting shorter, and sooner than we know, the days will be dark and mysterious again. Just in time for another Clexmas Super Sexy Scary Challenge!

Clark and Lex are up against the things that go bump in the night. Your mission will be to take one or more of the following prompts and give us a truly terrifying (or hilarious) (or romantic) story, vid, fanmix, or piece of art.

Works are to be posted to this site on October 31st / November 1st. If you can't post on those days, you can email me the story and I'll post it for you on the date.

Thank you to fruitbat00, bradygirl_12, and josephina_x for giving us this year's prompts! Please post a comment to claim one of the prompts. Have fun!

1. All works must be Clex-centric.
2. Comment here if you intend to participate. We will put your name by the prompt you wish to write. (Prompts may be claimed by more than one person.)
3. Post your fic/vid/art to this community by October 31st / November 1st.
4. All entries should be posted to this community so they can be archived for future members. (You can certainly flock them if you want to keep your fannish activities private from rl.)
5. Length: 1000 words and up for fics.
6. Finished works only, please.
7. Include warnings for rape, abuse, incest, or death. Anything you think might trigger. Thanks.
8. When you post the story October 31, include the following header at the top of your entry:

Category: fic/art/vid
Rating: Word Count
Original Prompt:
Author's Notes:

The above can be copied and pasted into the post. You can add identifying information if you like, or if you don't need "Author's Notes," they're not required. "Warnings" must be put in, even if you say "no standard warnings apply".

Prompts can have more than one person claim them! Ambitious people who love Halloween can claim more than one prompt. ;D If you'd like to participate and the prompts inspire you to a different idea, you can also make up your own. Just let me know in the comments that you'd like to participate so we can put you on the list. (No penalties if RL interfers before Halloween - it's just fun to see everybody else who is also working on things along the way!)

  1. Set after Thirst. Ever since the vampire incident Clark has an itch he can't scratch. Then he bumps into Lex, and is suddenly all to aware of how Lex looks and smells and the way he moves. Now he knows what he wants, he sets out on a path of seduction, and he wants to do a lot more than bite Lex's neck.
  2. After Lana talks Lex into letting her hold a seance at the mansion strange things start to happen. Sudden noises, items moving, voices in the night. Clark dismisses Lex's concerns, joking that the billionaire is acting like a scared girl. That is until Lex starts getting hurt.
    - claimed by josephina_x
  3. Lex and Clark haven't spoken in years. Clark is sent to cover the Metropolis's Museums new exhibit charting the history of superstition and Halloween. He is surprised to bump into Lex. Old arguments/hurts surface and as they argue next to a artifact both men get shocked by the item. When they wake neither of them can be seen by the other guests. Also someone or something is with them. Can they work together against the unseen threat and find a way back and will hidden feelings finally come to light?
  4. What if the whole Lex/Lana romance was Isobel all along. Just how far would Clark go to for the one he loves, and just who does he love. And who does Lex realy love? Can Clark break Isobel's spell over Lex, does he love Lex enough to fight for him. Will Lex believe him enough to fight Isobel's hold over him or will he think Clark is just trying to get Lana for himself?
  5. Post rift idea. Walking home after his car breaks down Lex gets attacked by a wolf. The bite refuses to heal and Lex becomes more and more, distracted and acting strange. When on a full moon Lex disappears Clark goes off in search of his former friend. Will the call of the wild consume Lex or can Clark convince him that there is something worth staying human for?
  6. What if there had been elements of Lex's DNA in the antidote in Scare. What if some of the meteor infected that were inoculated now crave something only Lex can give them. Can Clark keep Lex alive long enough for them to find an antidote to the antidote?
  7. An old spooky legend told for generations starts to repeat in the present with modern-day citizens repeating the actions of the original Smallville residents.
  8. The night before Halloween, a meteor crash lands outside of Smallville in the countryside. Curious farmers go to see it and then see a large metal cylinder in the debris. The lid starts to turn…
  9. Clark visits Lex at the mansion. A giant, grinning, hand-carved Jack O’Lantern is by the front door. When Clark leaves, it’s in the garden. When Lex wakes up later than night, it’s in his room.
  10. The week before Halloween, Clark suddenly gets the feeling that his parents have been replaced by aliens! And it’s not just Martha and Jonathan, but the whole town. He runs to the mansion and hopes that Lex hasn’t been replaced, too.
  11. It's Lex's first year living in Smallville, and the entire town has great expectations of what the castle-mansion is going to be like this Halloween. Lex finds this out randomly about thirty-minutes before the time that the annual trick-or-treating rounds are made around town, when he hadn't actually been planning on doing anything for Halloween at all. Will Clark be able to convince Lex not to run off to hide in Metropolis for the duration?
  12. Isobel has now left Lana, but to everyone's dismay they come to find that she is not truly gone -- one night a year when the boundary between life and death grows thin, Isobel crosses the veil to possess Lana once more -- on Halloween. Lex gets fed up with this and (finds and) calls in Zatanna. Things go wrong, and when Clark steps in...
  13. The sorority girls aren't the only meteor-freak 'vampires' on the Met-U campus -- there's a fraternity of them, too. This year they decide to visit a neighboring town for some fun -- Smallville. They run into everybody's favorite younger Luthor, and Lex is nearly drained dry, but somehow survives the encounter. What happens when Clark finds him?
  14. Lex has carved pumpkins before many a'time. Clark, due to problems with his super-strength, has not. Lex discovers this the hard way.
    - claimed by Elenarain
  15. Martha is running about like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get things ready for the town Halloween Festival. Clark and Lex get forcibly drafted to help.
    - claimed by BradyGirl_12
  16. Every year on Halloween, Jonathan builds up a small campfire out in the back forty and take Clark out there to tell him spooky stories in the dead of night. Clark loves it. So does Jonathan --Lex, not so much.
  17. Lex is unfamiliar with many middle-class Halloween traditions. Clark teaches Lex the proper way to bob for apples.
    - claimed by Lexophilia and Elenarain
  18. Lex understands that Halloween is all about the sweets, but he thinks Clark may have had a little too much. By maybe a wagonload or so. It would explain a lot.
  19. Aliens land in Smallville on Halloween. Nobody takes them seriously. (Probably because there was no accompanying meteor shower this time ;)
  20. Clark and Lex are staying up late watching an old monster movie marathon on Halloween, but tired and trying to stay awake. The clock strikes twelve... and then they find themselves in one.
    claimed by Karalenacullen
  21. It's Halloween at The Talon, and somebody spikes the punch bowl with a red-K drug mix that lets out the bestial side of those who ingest it.
  22. Clark's too old to dress up for Halloween. This makes Lex sad.

Participating yet still deciding prompts:
- Severus_Falter
- Sue Dreams
- Tallihensia (making own prompt of wandering into a haunted house... that's for real)

challenge: super sexy scary

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