Day One! TLF - Old Fashioned Courtship

Feb 07, 2015 18:30

Welcome to the True Love Fest 2015! :)

1. Each day will feature one word or phrase to prompt fic or art. We will start posting February 7th and go through the 14th. (Works can be posted through Feb 18.)
2. Comment on that day's post with your drabbles or ficlets or artwork or vids or songmixes or whatever strikes your fancy using that word or phrase as your inspiration for Clex (all responses should feature Clex ^^)
- There are no word requirements or limits, but keep in mind these are supposed to fit into comments! If you have to use two comments, put in the title 1/2 and 2/2 for it - put the second part as a comment to the first so it'll flow right in the post. (If it goes beyond two... well, just put a link to the story. ^^;;;)
- Artwork should go in the comments as a thumbnail of no more than 550x550, with a link to anything largere.
3. You can respond to the prompt as many times as you want, as long as the inspiration is still with you. :) Make a new comment for every new fic or art.

Today's prompt is:

Old Fashioned Courtship

challenge: true love fest

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