[Fic] That's Permanent

Feb 20, 2013 02:44

Title: That's Permanent
Rating: R
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/Jess, Sam/OCs
Wordcount: 1,458
Summary: Sam's always had a weird relationship with sex.
Notes/Acknowledgments: Unbetad. For the prompt do it til you fall down for salt_burn_porn. Title is a shout-out to Chasing Amy.

The first time Sam had sex ended with a trip to the hospital, because Dean is right and virgins should never ever try to have sex with other virgins. )

fic rating: r, fic pairing: sam/dean, fic: supernatural, fandom: supernatural, fic, fic genre: het, fic genre: wincest, fic genre: incest, fic genre: slash, fic pairing: sam/jess

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Comments 26

mercurybard February 20 2013, 13:17:03 UTC
Thanks for the laugh before work. Especially liked the ending with Castiel.


clex_monkie89 February 20 2013, 23:31:21 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked this!


verucasalt123 February 20 2013, 13:31:20 UTC
OMG, this was such a fantastic way to start off my morning. Great story. Poor Sam. I think what he needs is a more experienced woman. A 40 year old divorced suburban soccer mom, hypothetically.


meesasometimes February 20 2013, 14:44:54 UTC
lol....I can only assume you are offering yourself up!


verucasalt123 February 20 2013, 14:51:45 UTC
I'm a giver like that. I'll take one for the team.


clex_monkie89 February 20 2013, 23:42:59 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked this!

I might want to warn you against that, though. Sam's not the only one who tends to get hurt when his dick gets involved.


chemm80 February 20 2013, 13:44:42 UTC
You had me at the cut text and the rest was just as delightful. I really enjoyed the trip through Sam's sexual history. Yep...still smiling. :)


clex_monkie89 February 20 2013, 23:44:10 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked this!


hybridshade February 20 2013, 14:13:36 UTC
lol oh, Sam, you poor dear~ some of us are just destined for bad luck when it comes to certain aspects of life... x'D

couldn't get enough of this, I enjoyed it immensely and thoroughly!


clex_monkie89 February 20 2013, 23:44:49 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked this!


essene February 20 2013, 15:19:07 UTC
Hahahahaha! Poor Sam.


clex_monkie89 February 20 2013, 23:44:29 UTC


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