Dude, just no. *HUGS FOREVER* I know I haven't been around AIM in a really long time, but I PROMISE it's not cause I secretly hate you. JFC. (more that I'm having a very quiet and prolonged meltdown, but that's not the point.) THE POINT IS. I LOVE YOU and you are super and I believe in you. OKAY? OKAY.
I don't secretly hate you. I'm not even sure I'm capable of secret hate. I think I'm usually pretty obvious about it when I hate someone, and regardless I'm generally the fairly straightforward kind.
I get what you mean about going nowhere in life, but you shouldn't compare yourself. Your situation isn't hers by any means. I'm betting she had a much better leg up than you did, and that counts for a lot more than society likes to pretend.
Comments 8
I get what you mean about going nowhere in life, but you shouldn't compare yourself. Your situation isn't hers by any means. I'm betting she had a much better leg up than you did, and that counts for a lot more than society likes to pretend.
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