Sep 13, 2006 11:37


Header by me (And holy crap you have no idea how hard that was to make on a comp I don't know with a program I've never used before), icons by me, text and layout by mikhale.

Wincest warning for those who don't care for it, not on the picture, just for the shiny text.

Stay tuned for an actual update later.

ocd, fandom:, gips, supernatural, friends: ot6, samanddean, friends: mikhale, graphics, gps, headers, link, gip, flist love, my fucking layout!

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Comments 17

ceares September 13 2006, 18:51:57 UTC
Cool header and lay out. I love the colors-and the text. Do you mind my asking how you did your header? Is there a tutorial somewhere? I think I wanna do one, assuming it's not too hard (I'm lazy).


clex_monkie89 September 13 2006, 19:36:21 UTC
I actually did the header on my own and it was fairly easy.

What program do you use?


ceares September 13 2006, 21:47:11 UTC
Well, I have paint shop pro


fiddleyoumust September 13 2006, 18:52:05 UTC
My they're pretty. Also, wall kissing.

*is ded*


clex_monkie89 September 13 2006, 19:39:48 UTC


mooyoo September 13 2006, 18:54:16 UTC
Mmmm, pretty. I like it a lot, especially the colors. Where is the text from?


clex_monkie89 September 13 2006, 19:38:37 UTC
Thank you! The text was totally customed for me, I demanded that Mikhale write me pron for my header and he came up with that and a few others.

Right now he's tryng to figure out how to make it so that the header changes everytime you refresh.


mooyoo September 13 2006, 19:58:49 UTC
That would be awesome, had no idea you could do that.


clex_monkie89 September 13 2006, 20:06:48 UTC
Yeah, you can if you can crack the code, I've seen a few that do it. Mikhale's almost got it cracked he thinks.


unamaga September 14 2006, 01:25:26 UTC
I am totally commenting on your lj more often, now. That's right, I am shallow.


clex_monkie89 September 14 2006, 02:49:58 UTC
Ain't it just so pretty? Damn, those boys are so... Mm.


unamaga September 14 2006, 02:59:15 UTC
Mm, mm, good. Like campell's soup, except hunkier.


clex_monkie89 September 14 2006, 04:29:18 UTC
And with more porn.


jeyhawk September 14 2006, 17:42:12 UTC
Great layout. :0)


clex_monkie89 September 14 2006, 19:49:55 UTC
Thank you!


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