Okay. I'm about to head home so I'm doing this before I leave.
I'm going to be reccing PB fics for
Crack_Van eventually as you all may know.
I cannot be at all possible corners of the fandom and so this is where you come in. Find me fics you love, fics that stay with you, ones that won't leave your mind. Find them and link me to them.
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Comments 202
There are some borderlines.
Like 4 O'Clock is technically just Abruzzi/T-Bag arguing but it's full of UST.
Trace the Moment has Haywire attracking Michael to see his tattoos (he is stopped before anything can happen), but I still got the vibe of an almost rape from it.
I really like Insults Under The Table and Men of Action (which a lot of people hate, but I think it's hot). [both Michael/T-Bag btw]
Mmmm, yeah, 2 Fugitives and all its sequels (especially the missing scene from LJ's POV) for T-Bag/LJ.
Ourtrage and Prison Soap simply because it's Michael/BELLICK!!!! (though it would probably be a bad rec since outsiders probably wouldn't get the awesome ludicrousness of the pairing)
I've read Trace the Moment and Outrage and Prison Soap before and loved them, they just hit the right set of... fucked-up.
But my absolute favorite has got to be Beneath the Skin by princessdoe. (omg, where is she? She's disappeared.) T-Bag/Michael, with such glorious imagery, the kind that makes your toes curl.
alazysods Horse and Smack for T-Bag/Jimmy.
Err, what's the rule on minor drabbles like this one?
Mirrored by miss_mandy simply because it's the fic that made the most people say "Good, God, I can never look at certain canon scenes without thinking of that interpretation".
lissa_bear's and jewel's Michael/LJ stories.
I'll think of more.
Kill The Hope for Linc/Sara.
The Michael/Sara I recced you over at little details (but dude, you have to find a way to rec just that chapter, because I don't like the way the fic starts out and especially not the way it continues [it's my squick about otherwise kick ass characters crying in places where I think it's lame]).
I like aspensnow's way of writing Linc/Veronica. I also remember this Linc/Veronica but I can't remember if it was one of those cases where I went "Hey, this is surprisingly decent!" or it is actually outstanding.
Still love the imagery and symbolsim of slashasylum's Chess.
And, um, your's is still one of my most favorites. *ass-kissing* Can you self rec? 'Cause dude, seriously. I love that one.
Those were the first ones that came to mind, am going back to try and remember some older ones that I liked.
Reccing my own fic would probably be a big no-no there (and kinda egotistic.). But if I recced any one it'd be that one just by the sheer amount of people who have told me they liked that one best. Which is funny because it was sparked by a talk with TheLana and only took like three or four days to write.
Oh man, the claims in "The Difference..." were comepletely inspirid by Overwhelmed. And Chess was just awesome, I loved the mental images of everyone on the chess board.
Yeah, and the way the characters just fit SO well with each different chess piece, not something I'd thought that much about before - awesome.
I love Overwhelmed. I'm trying to write something involving the low latent inhibition right now, and I don't know if I could do it better than that. Wish she'd write more.
Ah well, if we do rec 'em here.
Your's, This is the Last Time, a PB/Lost fic by halfdutch and miss_mandy's
River Dreams. Both are quite good.
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