Together (oneshot)

Feb 20, 2011 16:31

Title: Together
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: G
Genre: Romance, Angst (maybe???)
Length: ~2.300 words
Disclaimer: Though I wish otherwise, Arashi owns me not vice versa
Summary: After the publication of the infamous ‘Nino is a sexual powerhouse’ article, Ohno is at a loss how to comfort him.
A/N: Oh.My.God. I’m so nervous because this is the 1st time ever I’m ( Read more... )

fanfiction ★ c: ohmiya, ♥ ohmiya ( ^◡^)人(^◡^ ), fanfiction ★, *open

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Comments 53

eru_tan February 20 2011, 18:12:58 UTC
This was absolutely amazing for your first work. And actually would still have been even if it wasn’t the first.

I took a little risk when opening this, because usually all that new writers pull out is a clichéd, 700 words max piece of poor typing where everyone and everything is as OOC as it gets.

Your work, however, is quite the opposite. I was particularly pleased with the way you managed to bring out both of the boys’ real characters (especially Ohno’s, and he’s a hard one, IMO), instead of just giving their names to total OCs. At least this is how I imagine them to be in reality.

The language was also good. Despite not being a native English-speaker myself, I still enjoy good grammar, and my eyes caught very few mistakes in this one.

The story itself also had a nice and realistic feeling in it that carried out exemplarily through the whole thing.

Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed this and would like to read more from you in the future :)


cleotine February 22 2011, 12:27:36 UTC
Oh my, now you've got me blushing...
Thank you so much for that lovely comment. If I get some inspiration, I'll try to write more ^^;


ramen_lover30 February 20 2011, 18:14:20 UTC
the story is cute.... so cuteeee!! <3
Thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to see your next fic :3


cleotine February 22 2011, 12:28:44 UTC
Thank you!
I hope I'll get an idea for writing sth new soon, too ^^;

PS: Our icon is awesome, lol


rio_sora February 20 2011, 18:43:23 UTC
so sweet and lovely~full of love! thanks a lot! ganbatte for next fic, u did well^^


cleotine February 22 2011, 12:29:24 UTC
Thank you for commenting!
I'll try my best for another fic ^-^


vintenson February 20 2011, 19:06:41 UTC
This is really good!
awww i love them both! poor nino :( but im glad oh-chan could make him feel better! :)


cleotine February 22 2011, 12:30:23 UTC
Thank you!
I hope Oh-chan could lift Nino's spirits like this ^^;


(The comment has been removed)

cleotine February 22 2011, 12:31:01 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting!


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