(Ohmiya-wedding) Crescent Moon

Dec 27, 2011 17:41

Pairing: Ohmiya (of course!)
Genre: angsty Romance
Rating: PG-13 (maybe?, could also be G...)
Length: ~2.500 words
Disclaimer: Sad but true, Arashi's not mine.
Summary: He knew he wouldn’t, knew he couldn’t ruin this special day. But just as much as he knew that, he knew he could no longer pretend to be happy.
A/N: My humble attempt at the amazing ohmiyawedding yearly contest. (If you haven't checked out the other fics there yet, you absolutely have to do that, cause they're just awesome).

The wedding reception was held in a considerably small but distinguished Japanese-styled restaurant which offered not only superb service but also happened to be located in an exceptionally beautiful house with a wonderful garden.

The party was a small one and consisted only of the closest family and friends of the newly-weds. It was already evening and the dinner had long since been served. The cooks really had managed to present quite a treat and everyone had been delighted by both the quality and the quantity of variation of the food.

One of the sliding windows had been opened slightly so that the soft moonlight could spill freely into the gently illuminated room. On the short side of the room the happy couple was seated and to their sides as well as along the long sides sat their guests. On low tables drinks and little snacks had been placed and the atmosphere had slowly turned from cheerful to animated, as you might expect from an Arashi’s member wedding.

The best man respectively the maid of honour were forced -to everyone’s huge amusement- to play a game which involved stuffing their cheeks with the wedding cake. The spirits were soaring high when one party’s member silently and unnoticed by anyone slid open a door and left the banquet hall. Just as quietly he closed the door after himself and walked down the hallway, turning left at the end of it. Gently he opened another sliding door and stepped out on the veranda that surrounded the building. It was made of highly polished dark wood and roofed over. From the spot the man chose to sit down he had an excellent view at the night scenery of the garden. Although the restaurant was located quite central, the city’s noises could not be heard here. It was like a tiny oasis of quietness and peace.

Nino sighed and rested his head against the wall, looking up at the crescent moon. It was a soft and pleasant night and all he could hear were the far-away sounds from the wedding party he had left. If he were to turn his head to the left he would be able to see the illuminated windows and maybe glimpse at a shadow or two.

This was a happy day. It really was. But still Nino hadn’t experienced this kind of emptiness and emotional drainage in a long time. He cast down his eyes when tears were beginning to form. Nino felt ashamed of himself.

When he had heard the news he had been congratulating and jumping around in joy as much as any other member but on the inside he hadn’t felt one tad of real joy.

He had helped with the preparations, organized invitations, presents, flowers, people. He had spent hour upon hour on planning and arranging, smiling as if he was the happiest person on earth.

But inside he had felt increasingly like standing at a precipice, with no way to turn back.

“You are really the worst,” Nino murmured angrily at remembering the past weeks. “One of your best friends gets to marry and all you feel like is to just smash something.” He chuckled hollowly as he imagined everyone’s shocked faces if he really were to do that. He knew he wouldn’t, knew he couldn’t ruin this special day. But just as much as he knew that, he knew he could no longer pretend to be happy.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Nino thought back to all he knew about the couples’ history. How they had met and fallen in love, how they had fought to keep their relationship alive, to not lose against daily life and routines. How they fought when their love had been spilled to the press and all the attention and resentment they had received. But they had made it, made it to this day and there was seemingly no reason why they shouldn’t manage to make it another ten, twenty, fifty years.

Nino also remembered the tears. How freely they had flowed when the couple was so short of breaking up for good.

Nino didn’t want them to separate and be unhappy. But Nino also didn’t want them to have their happy ending. Not like this. Not when he couldn’t have one.

Nino felt rather than heard the sliding door being opened once more.

“There you are,” Ohno noted quietly as he closed the door and patted over towards Nino. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Nino didn’t show any sign of taking notice of the older man. He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to be left alone or to have Ohno give him company.

“Won’t you come back? I’m sure they want you there on their special day,” Ohno suggested. When he received no answer, he sat down next to Nino, making it look graceful like only he could.

Gently he nudged Nino’s shoulder. “You okay?” he asked in concern.

Nino nodded dully. “Yeah, I just…”

“Huh?” Ohno asked encouragingly.

After a long silence Nino answered, “I just can’t sit there, look at their sappy smiles and pretend I’m happy. I just can’t, Oh-chan. I know I should be happy for them and I am. Somehow.” His voice broke and he sniffed. Nino wiped his face with his sleeve for the tears he had tried to hold back were now starting to trail down his cheeks.

“But deep inside of me… there’s just- I don’t know myself,” Nino admitted. His breath hitched and he started sobbing. “I’m the lowest person ever.”

The younger man started crying in earnest. In one swift movement Ohno opened his arms and pulled Nino into them. “It’s okay to let it all out,” he whispered reassuringly against Nino’s forehead, pressing light kisses against it.

Nino reached out hesitantly and grabbed Ohno’s jacket, but then allowed himself to be buried inside Ohno’s embrace, holding on for dear life while he cried. Ohno just sat there silently, radiating calmness like only he could, stroking Nino’s back, rocking him gently and sometimes kissing his head softly.

“It’s not fair.”

Amidst all the sobbing Ohno had to strain his ears to catch what Nino was saying.

“It’s just not fair. Why can’t we be like them?”

“Kazu…” Ohno said voicelessly. “What..?”

Nino’s head emerged from his hideout. His hair was messy, his eyes were swollen and his face wet (just like Ohno’s jacket but he couldn’t care less). He looked simply pitiable, desperation etched into his features.

“I love you, Satoshi, I always have. Since long before I told you. Maybe I started loving you the first time we met. You have always, always been special with me, Oh-chan,” Nino told him fiercely. “And ever since you confessed to me and we started dating I have been the happiest man on earth,” Nino said, his voice breaking only the slightest bit.

“Kazu, I love you too, but…” Ohno trailed off.

“And do you remember,” Nino went on, as if Ohno hadn’t spoken a word, “do you remember our first night together? It was the most wonderful experience I ever had. Up until then at least. I still know exactly how you looked at me with your beautiful, beautiful eyes, so full of love. And how you held my hand the entire time. And how you held me afterwards. And how much my heart beat all along.”

Nino sniffed, scrunching his face up which had started to light up a bit at the happy recollections.

“And when we moved in together? I never told you… but that night I gave my hardest not to fall asleep. Because I wanted to remember even the slightest, tiniest little detail of the beginning of our life together.

And the hard times we had. When we fought. When we started having second thoughts. When we doubted each other and doubted ourselves. But somehow we always managed to pull through…” Nino trailed off.

Ohno extended one hand to wipe away a few stray tears. “I don’t think we did. Just pull through I mean,” he explained quietly. “I think that every couple has to face these kind of situations. We were able to overcome them because we worked at them together, because we walked side by side. If anything, they made us stronger.”

Nino smiled sadly. “You make it sound like we are just any regular couple.”

“Aren’t we?” Ohno asked in return.

Nino’s faint smile became hollower. He nudged his head towards where the party they had left was. “We can never be like them. We will never be able to marry. And this fact makes me so envious I can hardly help myself.” He grit his teeth. “All these weeks this has slowly eaten me from inside to the point where all I did was pretend. Because they are able to do something that we cannot, no matter how much we wish for it,” Nino finally admitted bitterly.

Ohno tilted his head and looked at Nino intently. After a short while of intense thinking he slowly answered, “I told you we could go abroad to get married if you wanted to…”

“And I told you I do not,” Nino replied firmly. “I haven’t forgotten that day, Satoshi. I remember every single word. ‘Ninomiya Kazunari, will you spent the rest of your life with me?’ you asked and you blushed. You were so~ cute by the way,” Nino told Ohno lovingly.

“Indeed, that’s what I said…” Ohno paused thinking back. “And you started crying and asked me not to ask you again. You said you couldn’t stand a talk about forever when we couldn’t get married.” Ohno swallowed bitterly. “And when I proposed to go overseas… Well, you know you turned that down as well.”

“I’m sorry!” Nino exclaimed full of remorse. “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, really I didn’t. It’s just that… when the one I love the most proposes I want to be able to answer him. Because I want to be with you. Forever and ever and even longer than that. I don’t want to be apart from you for even one day,” Nino said sincerely. “But if I promise to marry you and we can’t even come out… that’s just more than I can handle.”

Ohno stared at Nino open-mouthed. “Why didn’t you tell me that?” he asked nonplussed. “I thought… well, when you refused to even talk about it… I thought you wouldn’t want to. Be with me forever, I mean. I-I thought you didn’t trust us enough. Or that… that you thought you’d be fed up with me one day. Maybe not right now, but eventually, maybe in five or ten years…” Ohno whispered.

Now it was Nino’s turn to stare at Ohno. “Satoshi! How could you…?! Of course I want to! I want to be with until we’re both ancient and bald and grumpy oldsters.” Nino hugged Ohno tightly. “Silly Oh-chan,” he whispered affectionately.

Slowly Ohno raised his arms and hugged Nino back. They sat like this, maybe one minute, maybe an hour, they couldn’t tell.

“You know…” Ohno started hesitantly.

“Hn?” Nino asked from his favourite place of the crook of Ohno’s neck where he had hidden.

“I just thought… You want to be with me? Forever?”

“I just told you twice,” Nino chuckled. “But yeah, I want to.”

“And you’re sad because we have to keep our relationship a secret? Because we cannot invite our family and friends to the kind of ceremony we attended today?”

Nino made a low noise of agreement, hugging Ohno a little tighter.

Ohno thought hard. “I guess you’re right… We are not like them. But that doesn’t have to be bad, right?”

Nino emerged and looked at Ohno’s face. If he didn’t love this man so much he might have gotten irritated at Ohno’s vagueness but he knew him better than that. He knew that if he gave him a little time to sort his thoughts and words, Ohno would explain. And then he would be able to say what he meant and mean what he said. So he just caressed Ohno’s cheek with his nose tip and rested their heads against each other.

“I’m sorry I can’t give you a regular wedding,” Ohno sounded like he really meant it. “I’m sorry we can’t come out like that. But I’m not sorry that I love you. We are us and maybe we need to do things our way,” Ohno continued. “Perhaps we don’t need a huge wedding with ministers and guests and presents. I mean, the most important thing is that we have each other, right?”

Nino smiled against Ohno’s cheek. “Hmm,” he hummed affirmatively.

Ohno took a deep breath, exhales loudly and murmed to himself, ”Yosh, this time for real.” He pulled them apart and held Nino at arm’s length. “Ninomiya Kazunari,” he said once again, his voice full of both sincerity and nervousness. “I love you and I want to love and be with you for all eternity. W-will you spent your life with me?”

Nino’s eyes had once more filled with tears, if for completely different reasons this time. He nodded. “I will,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Well…” Ohno seemed a little lost for a moment. “I-I don’t have a ring or anything… And we have no witnesses to our vow…”

“If we don’t need ministers and guests and presents, as you just explain so dear... perhaps we don’t need rings, too. And is it too sappy when I say that we have the moon and the stars?” Nino helped him in a tiny voice. “They will witness and attest our love for all eternity,” he added with a visible blush.

Ohno chuckled at the tinge of pink in Nino’s face and cupped one cheek tenderly. “I love you, Kazu,” he whispered and leaned in.

“Me too,” was all Nino managed to whisper in return before Ohno’s lips claimed his.

“With this I, Ohno Satoshi, take you, Ninomiya Kazunari, as my wife, even if we’re not married. Okay, okay, partner,” he quickly added when he felt Nino frown and purse his lips. “And whether we will be able to become official one day or not, I will love you the same. If I can some day, I will ask you to marry me and you can answer me then. Time doesn’t matter to me.”

Nino smiled against Ohno’s lips. “I can’t say that I don’t want to answer you,” he admitted. “I really, really do want to, to be honest. But I can settle with what we have right now. And with you at my side I can wait. Until then…” he didn’t finish but closed the gap between their lips again.

“Do you want to go back?” Ohno asked when they were done kissing (which took quite a while). “I guess they started missing us by now.”

“In a sec,” Nino agreed. He cuddled against Ohno’s side, took his hand in his and looked up at the moon once more.

Perhaps, no surely, Ohno was right. There might be more than one way to say ‘I do’.

When I heard that the ohmiyawedding would be on, the idea for this fic instantly popped into my mind. I had first had a rough idea about this plot maybe 1 year(?) ago but could never get it into words.
After suffering a severe writer's block I absolutely wanted to get this finished in time for the contest and wrote and re-wrote it. Only to completely re-write it again the night before the deadline (good thing I didn't have to get up early the next day 'cause I almost got no sleep at all ^^) Maybe that's why there are some inconsistencies in the storyline but I'm just happy that I finished it.
Care to give me your opinion about it?♥

fanfiction ★ contest, fanfiction ★ c: ohmiya, fanfiction ★, *open

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