Air Apparent
Older Kids
Genre: Gen, Drama, Friendship, Humor
Warnings: Mild language
Timeline: Season Three
Synopsis: A new planet has both Sam and Daniel eager to explore, but is it as harmless as it seems?
Notes: Written for this quarter's
one_prompt challenge "Breathe". I borrowed Nirrti's gene splicer to merge three different plot bunnies into a single
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Comments 10
I had in mind to include a vignette in mine that had a distantly similar theme as yours. But it was distinctly lower brow. Since yours is so nicely done, I'm especially glad I didn't spend much time trying to work out my own.
Three separate plot bunnies came forward for this prompt: a humorous story in which Jack reminded Daniel to "breathe" between fits of archaeological ecstasy, an angsty tale in which Daniel had an allergic reaction to something and couldn't breathe, and a crack!fic involving a skunk. Nirrti's gene splicer came in REAL handy for combining the three :)
Also, I am highly amused that while Jack accused Daniel of his lack of caution, he was the one who got skunked!
Donna aka winterstar
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