We (and by "we" I mean "me") at Cleolinda Industries bring you a variety of goods and services, including
movie news linkspam,
TV and book recaps,
award show liveblogs,
Movies in Fifteen Minutes,
The Secret Life of Dolls, and
an embarrassment of sparklepire-related content. (You can also get
The Annotated Movies in Fifteen Minutes: Wizards e-book at Lulu; there is a published Movies in Fifteen Minutes out there, but it's somewhat rare now.)
~*AND NOW*~ there is also a tip jar. This is it.
~*~ omg ~*~ look ~* it's right here*~
what? I just thought the button looked kind of lonely by itself
~*tap dance*~ omg ~*sparkle*~
You can also shop at
Amazon and
Entertainment Earth through my affiliate ID. In particular, I get store credit at Entertainment Earth, which I'm going to use towards Secret Life of Dolls. The Amazon Honor System (donation function) is no more, however. If anyone knows of another donation method they'd prefer, let me know.