... my blogger gave to me: IIIIIIIII'M NOT A FAAAAAAAN.
MSNBC: Why doesn’t ‘Twilight’ have a Team Bella? And there I am, front and center--described as "Cleolinda Jones, a 31-year-old 'Twilight' fan from Birmingham, Ala," in a turn of phrase that elicited great chagrin on Twitter.
What does it mean to be a fan? )
2)Good reviews? This may be an alternate universe. Heh. The trailer still cracks me up, though.
3) MSNBC may have just lost the little credibily they still had. DO YOUR RESEARCH, people. It's in your job description.
Also: Twilight den mother is so awesome and so, so apt.
I almost have this kind of relationship with Twilight, as a matter of fact. I’ve never read any of the books or seen any of the movies, but I’ve read every possible summary and review for both. I know more about the series than my coworkers who are actual fans. It’s hard to explain why you would become interested in something you don’t actually enjoy, but merely fascinates you.
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